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"Zia! Stop following Niko everywhere!" Kris shouted from his seat.

Zia was 2 now, and Niko 4. They were playing in the garden. They loved each other like they were siblings. Niko was always protecting his cousin from everything. Amalia and I liked to compare them to our younger selves.

"Ne! Ne! Ne!" It was her favourite word; as predicted. Kris got up and picked her, lifting her high.

"You don't want the cake Babica baked specially for you?"

"Ja! Want!" They both giggled, while they came back to the table. "Mama!"

"Here love, come," I opened my arms, and Kris delicately put her against me. She's 2, but still liked breastfeeding, even if now it's once a day. It was her comfort time with me.

In 2 years, nothing has really changed. We aged a bit, but we're still big children in adult bodies. We still love music; the boys still do many gigs, everywhere around the world. I published a solo album, a year after Zia's birth. It was quite an adventure, but I loved it. And with my dear husband by my side, nothing was impossible.

Today was a family time. Family meant my family-in-law, Amalia, Jure and Niko, but of course Bojan, Jan and Nace. They were now Zia's uncles, and she loved them. Jan was surprisingly the one who could get her to sleep, when we can't. As for Bojan, he was always watching with her cartoons, and teaching her some Serbian words. And we visited his parents quite often too; they were like her grand parents for her. They were replacing my own parents. And Nace; he would always do the crazy things with her. Once he let her dress him as a princess too. I must say I really enjoyed taking some pictures.

As the day went on, Zia was growing tired, and nearly fell asleep on me. But when I got up to get her to sleep, she grabbed her father's shirt.


Kris looked at me and smiled. Story time was one of his favourite things. He had such imagination for this!

I laid our daughter on the couch, under Kris's jacket, with her plushie. His love for her was readable in his eyes; when he sees his daughter, his eyes spark with joy. I smiled. I loved this story. He grabbed my hand. Kris gaze met mine, as he started his story.

"That's the story of a courageous princess, saving the prince and his best friends from a terrible accident..."


Omg it's the end

I can't believe it

I'm crying right now.

I loved writing this story, it was absolutely fantastic! Seeing all of your reactions made me so proud and happy!

I really love you guys.

I mean, words aren't enough 

Thanks for reading that story anyway. I didn't think at first it was gonna be this long, but I enjoyed every bit of it. It was wonderful, and now I'm knida sad it ends.

But there's another story coming soon! (In the next few days, I don't know when exactly)

It will be called "Dancing Queen", and will be focused on Amalia and Jure

Once again, I love you all.

Bises from France <3

Injured - Kris GuštinWhere stories live. Discover now