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Kris' Point of View

Jure and I were sitting in the corridor, waiting for news. After we brought the boys and Amalia back home, we drove Katrina to the hospital. Her head has been healed quickly; two stiches on her forehead and her nose has been replaced (in a horrible crack that would have got me passing out). But her hand needed a quick surgery, because of piece of bones that broke that were not where they're supposed to be.


Jure was nearly asleep when a nurse found us. For once, she spoke a bit English.

"All went great," she reassured us. "You will be able to get out in hour."

"Thanks," I said in sigh, relieved.

I saw her arriving 15 minutes later. She had a big plaster on the forehead, and her arm was in a sling. She hugged us both.

"Now I'm like you!" She pointed to her arm. Jure grinned. We got back home in 25 minutes.

"No need to wake up early tomorrow, yeyyyy" Katrina mumbled, rubbing her eyes.

"Yeyyy" added Jure, who went upstairs.

We went to our room, and as soon as we were lying in the bed, Katrina buried her head in my chest, not far from the recent scar. A few minutes passed.

"I was afraid." She told me, her voice muffled by my torso.

"That's natural, he was really... violent." I stroked her hair. It was so soft.

"Not for me. I was scared he would fire on you." She paused. "He could've killed you, or Jure, or anyone..."

"I'm so sorry, I did nothing..." My voice died in my throat as remorse filled my heart. I could have done something. But I stood still, only watching. I let her being hurt, without moving a finger.

She held me tighter. I felt a tear on my skin. I don't know how to react. What should I do? I closed my eyes. The only thing I could do was being by her side.

"It's not your fault." She whispered. "You could do nothing. I'm angry at myself."

"Why?" I was taken aback. Why would she be angry? She did everything right, unlike me...

"I did not reast fast enough. He had time to threaten you. I don't know why I didn't react. Usually, I would just... I would just punch whoever does that but-"

"You did just right draga. No need to shame yourself. We're still here, alive. You protected us better than we did for you. You've nothing to regret."

I felt her sob. I kissed her forehead. She was so exhausted that she fell asleep in a couple of seconds. She did not seem at peace, but at least, she does not look angry or sad anymore.

Remembering what happened tonight, I closed my eyes, slowly falling asleep, soothed by her heartbeat.


We woke up in the middle of the after-noon. We ate breakfast at 3 p.m.. We all looked half dead, but the worst was still Katrina, with her bruises on her face and the black rings under her eyes. She still had a smile though, and that was enough to lighten up her face.

As nobody was really up to go out -we were still tired and preferred to stay in the safeness of the house- we decided to play some games. Jan quickly discovered that they had plenty of them in a cupboard.

"We would play a lot, when we were younger with our father," had explain Amalia. "We could play this one, it's really fun!"

"But we need to be minimum 8 people plus one narrator," said Katrina, leaning against the door frame. Amalia counted on her fingers.

Injured - Kris GuštinWhere stories live. Discover now