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"Why... why do I smell croissants?"

I moaned, straightening up. My hair was a real mess, I guess. Next to me, the sheets are cold, Kris has awoken for a long time already. Weird, cause normally he doesn't even think of getting up before 9.

I took his T-shirt from yesterday, that was still lying on the ground, and got up, walking to the kitchen. I heard a laugh behind me and felt arms around my waist. I started to giggle too.

"You look like Merida when her mother try to brush her hair," Kris giggled.

"Thanks Krisko," I sighed. My hair isn't even curly. It's just that it looks like there was an explosion inside it during the night. He kissed the top of my head nonetheless. It's nice to have a boyfriend taller than you.

"Come on now, we need to go in an hour and a half to get on time to my parent's." I nodded, grabbing a croissant.

"Those are delicious!" I exclaimed. Seriously, even better than French ones. Of course, Kris laughed of my French-iness. It was nearly a running gag now. I quite adopted the French manners in terms of eating.


Kris's Point of View

I was driving; sometimes I glanced to see Katrina observing the landscapes. She seemed really fond of it, and it made me internally smile. I'm glad she likes my country, cause it means a lot to me.

We finally entered my hometown, a small village not that far from Ljubljana, and I parked in front of my childhood home. I have so many memories in there. The house seems to never change, even if I can see some addition here and there made by my parents. It is still the same house I've known for decades.

As we got out of the car, I grabbed Katrina's hand. Holding her hand was like a safety rope, that would comfort me and making me smile in every situation. This touch was a need; I couldn't live without it now I know what it is to live with it.

I led her to the door. When I was a child, I found it gigantic, now I grin thinking I nearly touch the porch. I rang. I turned my head to see her, and her beautiful dark brown hair falling like a cascade on her shoulders. She was just gorgeous.

Without waiting for an answer, I open the door and enter the family house, Katrina on my steps. I could already smell the good dishes my mom had prepared.

"We're here!" I said loudly. I heard steps from the stairs, but it was my mom who came first. "Hi mom," I said in Dutch, since it was her who taught me the language. I hugged her. Then, I turned, and a larger smile appeared on my lips. "Mom, meet Katrina, my..." I couldn't help but smiling till my eyes are barely visible, "my girlfriend."

Katrina smiled, nodding at the name I gave her. The blush on her cheek made her even cuter. She made a step forward, stretching out her hand.

"I'm Katrina Blum, I'm so pleased to meet you!" I could tell by her tone that she was a bit stressed, but she was sincere.

"I'm Chantal, it's nice to finally meet the infamous Katrina!" They giggled together. Kat sent me a wondering look. She didn't know how much I talked about her here; sometimes I don't even notice it. She's just a so big part of my mind, and my heart, that's impossible for me to not talk about her fabulous talents. "Come on, make yourself at home!"

Katrina smiled and nodded, turning to face me again. I could feel she was a bit lost. I knew she never experienced family meeting, even yesterday at Bojan's place she was unsure. I put my hand on her waist and kissed her temple. Her small giggle when I do that kills me every time.

I led her outside, on the terrace, where I knew the rest of my family was. My father approached us after putting the plates on the table.

"Kris, Katrina, I'm happy to see you!" he said, a smile. They shook their hands. "I'm Miha."

Injured - Kris GuštinWhere stories live. Discover now