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Today is July the 13th. In 2 days, Joker Out has a concert in Slovenia. That means they have to leave today.

I've never been that depressed to wake up. Kris was still sleeping. He looked like an angel, with his blond hair surrounding his face. I could draw him by heart, but I still needed to look at him right now. Who knows when we'll see each other again?

He was still sleeping, but he took me in his arms, as if he was feeling my sadness. I curled up against his chest. I savoured his warmth and the sound of his breath.

Eventually, we had to wake up. Their flight was at 3:30 p.m., so everything has to be ready soon. We entered the kitchen, smelling a sweet bakery in the oven.

"Hi," Amalia turned over us, as she was washing something. "I made some cupcakes, it will be ready soon," she smiled.

I don't know why, but baking has always been her way to cope with the mess in her head. As a teenager, she would bake nearly everyday, even if my mother didn't like it. Though she did it very well.

We were soon all there, in the kitchen, eating peacefully our breakfast. For once, we did not speak a lot. The atmosphere was... heavy. We all knew they needed to get home eventually, but I think nobody was really ready to do so.

Seeing their luggage in the entrance made me stop totally, like if my brain finally understood that they were leaving. They were leaving. It was for real. This surreal pause in our lives was ending. And we could do nothing to stop it.

We ate early, and we finally get our smiles back. We joked, we laughed like there was no tomorrow. As true friends.

On the way to the airport, the guys were explaining their summer tour. They had dates in the Balkans, Ireland and the UK, and will add even more dates. I didn't realise back then they were that famous, but I'm so happy for them. Their concerts must be totally crazy, that must be wonderful to see them live.

We finally arrived to Brussels's airport. As always, it was busy, people everywhere, too much noise. With the boys, we searched their gates. It was enormous. But we finally reached it. They check in their baggage. Kris has told me the numerous stories they had with their lost suitcases, so when they went away on the conveyor belt, we crossed our fingers and giggled like kids.

We have to wait a bit, and for us it meant a bit more time together before the end.

"Come on, how you always win? You're a cheater!" exclaimed Jan, pointing to Amalia.

"No, I'm just the best!" She said proudly, while picking up all the cards to start a new game.

"I second that," Jure chuckled.

I giggled. They were so sweet together. I met Kris's gaze. He took my hand, and kissed it. He was the best. The best man in the world. But of course, he didn't live really near from me...

The automatic voice called. It was time.

We all got up. I went to hug Bojan.

"We see you soon in Ljubljana?" He asked. "We need to do some music together!"

"I'd love to!"

Nace tapped on my shoulder and I hugged him too.

"Thanks again. I'm glad we met you."

"And so do I," I answered. "Next time we get a tattoo together?" I referred to a dare he made me accept a few days ago when we played another stupid game.

"Of course! You'll design it!"

I moved on Jure. I took him into my arms.

"Amalia really loves you. If you break her heart, I break your bones," I said with a smile.

Injured - Kris GuštinWhere stories live. Discover now