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It was night now, when we got to the car. Jure sat next to me, at the passenger place, while Jan, Nace and Bojan sat behind. I saw in the rear-view mirror Jan, lying his head on Bojan, who laid his on Nace's shoulder. I smirked, but remembered that after such a traumatic event, they must be exhausted.

"Where are we, exactly?" Asked Jure, trying to read the signs on the road.

"A small town, in the North of France," I answered. "My house is like, 300 hundred meters away from the Belgian border." I paused, but that question remained in my mind. "I was wondering why you passed in that town, and in my street. There's literally 3 houses here."

"We were lost." I heard Jan from behind.

"We were doing a road-trip" explained Nace. "We wanted to go to Paris."

"Ahhh okay" I said, thinking. "Yeah, the highway to Paris is not far from here."

"Why are you speaking Dutch with Kris?" Asked Bojan, in a childish-tired voice. "You're French, right?"

"I'm not French." Jure turned his head to me, frowning. "It's a bit complicated but- well, my father is English, my mother is half Dutch, half German. But I was raised in France."

"That's a weird mix, but okay."

I chuckled. That's not the first time I'm told that, but the tone Bojan used was really funny to me. We chatted a bit, like we were old friend. I didn't even know their surnames! But that was fun.

We arrived to the house. I opened the door, and let them enter.

"How do you happen to have such an enormous house?" asked Bojan.

"That's not mine, it's my parent's. But they do not live there anymore, so I'm alone here. My sister comes back for the Weekend though. But that's great! You can choose where to sleep!" I smiled.

"I'll sleep wherever I can." Stated Jan, opening a door, and falling right in a bed.

"Well that's my room, but I don't mind sharing!" I had an amused expression.

"That's too late, he's already sleeping. I bet on 20 hours," Said Jure.

"Nah, with everything that happened today, he will not wake up tomorrow." Laughed Nace. I guessed that he was a big sleeper, but I never could imagine someone sleeping that much! I am a big insomniac, so for me it's impossible.

"Where can we go then?"

It's strange, but I felt that Bojan, who usually seemed the most outgoing of the group, was a bit lost. It's normal, I think. He maybe needs to be reassured, or simply helped. Afterall, he was in a foreign country, whom he didn't speak the language, and knew no one except his friends, who are in the same situation than him. His family his thousand miles away. I put a reassuring smile on my face.

"Upstairs there's plenty of rooms. There's my sister's one, but you'll see right away, there's... a weird drawing on the door." The boys nodded. "Oh, I nearly forgot, but the policemen put all of your suitcases here. I'm gonna help you put them up."

I took Bojan's one, as he couldn't take anything with his arm. When I came back, there was only a pink suitcase left.

"It's Kris's," Said Jure.

"Right." In mentally noted that the pink one was Kris's.

I was ready to go to the studio, when someone called me again.

"Katrina?" Called Bojan from the balustrade.

"Yep, need me?"

"Actually, if you could help me..."

I quickly climbed the stairs.

"I can't remove the splint alone."

"No problem." I removed the Velcro so his arm was free. I saw on his face that it was hurtful. I helped him putting on his night shirt, before putting back on the splint.

"Thank you."

"It's noth-"

"I mean, really, thank you. For saving our lives and for taking care of us. Even if we don't know each other. That's a lot." I blinked; I did not receive that much thanks in a while. "Good night." He smiled.

"Good night too!"

I headed for the studio. I felt that I was tired but I knew that I will not sleep for the moment. Time for drum training then.

I think it was 3 in the morning when I received a text on WhatsApp.



I can't sleep

Hi Bojan

What's the matter?

That's Kris

Oh sorry

It's written Bojan on my WhatsApp?

He gave me his phone, mine had been destroyed in my pocket

So I could contact you

That's nice of him

Why can't you sleep?

Insomniac too?

The thing that tells my pulls make too much noise

It's horrible

Ah yes, I know that too

But do you feel better?

Not worse than before

Then hopefully you can exit tomorrow

I hope

I hate hospitals

We continued to discuss for a long time during the night, learning about each other. He seemed really funny, though I did not speak with him for really long in real life.

Around 5 a.m., he stopped texting. I thought he fell asleep, though my mind always invented horrible scenarios. I tried to reassure me; if I did not receive any call from the hospital, he must be good.

Injured - Kris GuštinWhere stories live. Discover now