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*sex scene warning*


Hyacinthus and I finally arrived at the first brothel a couple hours after we started our journey. Hyacinthus insisted on stopping for snacks, and multiple pee breaks. I didn't mind though, it kept my mind off of Kit's death and my mind on the task at hand. Making sure Reagan isn't guilty, getting Baron into jail, and to kill Heinrich. "Should we just go in like last time? Or should we have a different approach this time?" Hyacinthus whispers as we begin walking towards the brothel.

"I think you should go in since you are less recognizable." I whisper, putting the hood on my cloak.

"Okay, what do I need to do again? What's the plan? Do I need to make sure any women are here or has this one been raided?" Hyacinthus starts speaking in a very hyper tone, and I can't help but smile to myself. Of course Kit wanted to marry him, his hyperness with Kit's goofiness probably worked perfectly together.

"No, I don't think they will put more women in any of them, after we already got them out." I cock an eyebrow at his hyperactive self. "Can you be subtle about all this?"

"Yes Harry, I hid my relationship with your brother from you for weeks. I can be subtle about anything I need to be." I roll my eyes at his comment. Squeak squeak. That still haunts me that I was that clueless to that.

"Okay, get in there." I pat Hyacinthus on the butt as he walks into the brothel and I go to find a place to hide. Once I find a bush to sit in, I slowly begin to pick at my nails and begin thinking about things I've been pushing off for weeks. I hear a door slam and footsteps coming closer to me and I peek over the bush to see if it was Hyacinthus. It isn't. It is a madame, her hair is light brown and slightly matted and she seems to be tired. She lights a cigarette and puts it in between her lips and slowly sucks in. "Do you mind if I take a puff?" I question, making her jump slightly.

"You cannot just sneak up on me like that!" She says loudly but still hands me the cigarette.

"I'm sorry." I shrug with a chuckle, I need to find a way for her to get comfortable with me. I take the cigarette in between my fingers and slowly suck in the nasty substance. The smell engulfs into my nostrils, and I can feel myself distress immediately. I really don't smoke often but it does feel good once in a while. I'll have to scrub my teeth before I kiss Artemis again, she'll hate to know I smoked tonight.

"What were you doing hiding over there?" The woman asks me as I hand the cigarette back to her.

"Waiting for a friend, this really isn't my type of thing." I raise my left hand to her, "I am happily married." I say with a smile and she laughs.

"Ah, so are most of the men here, and your friend?" She asks, probing for information.

"No, no." I chuckle to myself. He's in love with my brother. "He's complicated." Was in love with my brother.

"Most of the men here have some kind of complications. That is why they come." The woman says, rather wisely.

"Can I ask you a question about the men who come here?" I finally work up the nerve to ask her.

"Depends on what you're asking and if I want to answer it." She mutters, grinding the cigarette into the pavement but lighting another one, offering it to me immediately. I take the cigarette from her shaky fingers and puff on it slowly. I offer it back to her but she refuses, which makes me continue to suck in the smoke. She seems older, but younger than my father. I wonder how she got into this life. I wonder what her life story is.

"Have you ever seen King Reagan in here?" I meet her eyes when I ask her, trying to convey the seriousness to the conversation, she thinks for a moment.

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