The Dementor

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Making my way to platform 9 and 3/4, I was so excited to finally be going back to Hogwarts for my third year. I prayed that this year there wouldn't be any sight of Voldemort returning or any incidents at all, for that matter. I glanced around the busy station, no sign of any of my friends or Draco. I hadn't seen Draco since last year as his father refused to let us visit one another. I was forbidden from going to Draco's and he was forbidden from travelling to a "mudblood house". We'd been writing to each other everyday, however and had agreed on meeting here and boarding the train together. I hadn't even had the chance to see him at Diagon Alley as he was on holiday with his family at the time, meaning someone else was sent to retrieve Draco's school supplies.

Finally, I saw those familiar bright eyes and big grin from besides the train which made me pause for a brief minute. Those were the only traits I recognised about the boy. He'd seemed to have changed so much over the summer, grown up massively. His hair was no longer gelled back but left falling onto his forehead in straightened curtains. He'd grown very tall which now left him towering above me as I hadn't at all. He'd seemed to have grown into his looks a lot, going from cute to handsome in only a matter of months.

I nervously made my way over to him, scared to speak to him as this didn't seem like the boy I had been dating for the past few months. He began to rush over to me, calling that he'll help me with my trolly. As he did so, I realised his voice had gotten deeper, more mature also. I simply stared at him in disbelief, unaware of how someone could change so much so quickly. I, of course, had slightly in the summer also. I'd began to work on my health, leading me to loose weight as well as slim my face which I felt made me look older. I'd also began to wear makeup and I feel got good at it as I practiced over the summer. However, I wasn't a match for Draco's change. His bright eyes met mine as he flashed me his dazzling smile once more before taking hold of my trolly for me and steering it towards the train.

Finally, he took hold of my hand confidently and led me onto the train where we placed ourselves in our usual carriage. Draco placed himself opposite me, his confidence and swagger seeming to have enhanced also as he sat, legs apart and slouching slightly. His eyes didn't shift from mine with a slight smirk resting on his face.
"So..." I finally plucked up the courage to speak, "how was your summer?"
"It was okay, the holiday was boring." Draco shrugged, "nothing much happened."
"It looks like a lot has happened." I muttered softly under my breath, though I guessed the smirk I saw appear on Draco's lips meant he managed to hear that.
"Your father have any big plans for this year?" I smiled, praying the answer was no but the sigh Draco let out left me on edge.
"I don't think so," he spoke, "I mean, he doesn't know I helped out in the chamber but I don't think he trusts me since he knows you did. Either way, I don't think he'd trust me to know anytime soon."
This made me feel uneasy. If Lucius did have another plan for Voldemort to return, Draco wouldn't know and therefore we would be useless at helping out for most of it. In our first year, we didn't find out about Quirrell and the stone until it was almost too late and I didn't want an incident like that to happen again. Over the summer, I had began to study defensive spells, however it was against school rules to practice them so I hoped I'd just have to trust that I know them to an extent.

Eventually, we glanced out of the window to notice Crabbe and Goyle were the last two to board the train. It soon began to set off with the boys finally stumbling into our carriage. I knew Draco was drifting apart from the two, him claiming they were beginning to get on his nerves. I knew that the only reason he involved himself with the two idiots is because Lucius is friends with their fathers. Still, their arrival left us in an awkward state of silence as we made our way to Hogwarts.

We travelled as normal until, suddenly, the train came to a stop. The four of us gave one another a look, all of us knowing this wasn't normal. A sudden chill was fast upon us and I noticed even the windows were frosting up.
"What is happening?" I panicked, looking to Draco for comfort as we all began to shiver uncontrollably. With this, Draco pushed Crabbe out of his seat besides me and sat there himself. He immediately took off his cloak and wrapped it tightly around me, holding me tight as he did so. I held my eyes shut, feeling safe for a brief second until the shriek of the boys caused my eyes to shoot open. I looked at the two in front of me as their mouths lay agape and their eyes pierced into something by the door. Shakily, I turned my head to see a dark, hooded figure floating by the door. I let out a small cry as Draco attempted to shield me from the horrifying creature.
"Is that..." I whimpered, praying my brain was lying to me and that Voldemort was not stood in our train carriage.
"Dementor!" Goyle cried, somewhat giving me a form of relief. It began to drift off, allowing us to catch our breaths and for Draco to immediately close the doors to keep the monster out. I had never heard of a dementor before, but after seeing one I prayed I'd never see another again.

Draco and I Vol. 3Where stories live. Discover now