The Boggart

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Finally, we arrived at the main hall where I parted with Draco and the others and made my way to the Slytherin table. Throughout breakfast, I heard giggles coming from the Slytherin table. At first, I thought it to be Ash and Rhea, however when I turned around I saw a group of Slytherin girls, who I'd never even noticed before, gathering around Draco. They were 'comforting' him about his injured arm though in reality, just wanted an opportunity to flirt with him. I noticed the boy smiling and though it seemed to be a forced, awkward one, it still enraged me. Rolling my eyes, I turned to look at Olivia, Billy, Kit and Kayden who were all giggling at me.
"I can look after you if you want." I mocked, quoting one of the girls swooning over the boy.
"Someone jealous?" Billy giggled, causing me to glare at the boy.
"Well, everyone knows we're together! It's just disrespectful!" I snapped, "I mean, how would you like it if Millie injured herself and half of Gryffindor started humping her leg like a lap dog?"
"Fair enough." Billy muttered, his eyes wandering to his girl friend, who was sat laughing with Seth. Looking at the two, their faces turned to horror as Seth took a newspaper from Seamus Finnegan and jumped to his feet, Millie following. The two made their way to our table, having called over Scarlett and Elton also. Kit's cheeks flushed red as usual as the group made their way over. Of course, Scarlett stood herself besides the blushing boy.
"Look at this!" Millie exclaimed, "Sirius Black was spotted in Dufftown! That's close by!"
"We'll be fine," Billy smiled at his panicked girl friend, "we've got the dementors here keeping us safe!"
"Yeah and what good were they in a high secured prison? Breaking into a school with a few guards will be child's play."

Trying to ignore the threat of a psycho murderer getting into Hogwarts, I made my way to my Defence Against the Dark Arts class with Professor Lupin. Honestly, I was looking forward to it! As we entered the classroom, Draco immediately noticed I wasn't standing besides him and his posey of girlfriends and had instead clearly positioned myself between Billy and Millie and Olivia and Scarlett, out of his way. Still, he was persistent in trying to get to me. Finally, he got behind me, pressing his good hand lightly on my shoulder.
"Please don't tell me you're jealous." He whispered into my ear, making me turn to glare at the boy.
"I'm not jealous." I snapped, turning back to the Professor, who had now started.
"If you're not jealous, why are you giving me the cold shoulder?" The boy smirked, his mouth inches away from my ear, causing me to turn and look at his smug face.
"Because!" I snapped, "They know we're together and they're still flirting on with you!"
"Well, more fool them!" Draco laughed, "but you're still jealous."
Rolling my eyes, I turned back to the Professor once more to pay attention.

Finally, Lupin began to explain what we were doing today as he revealed a cabinet with something seemingly inside wanting to break out. It was in fact a boggart: a creature that resembles your deepest fear.
"I can't wait to see your deepest fear." Draco whispered into my ear, myself rolling my eyes as he spoke. I've known what my true deepest fear is ever since last year and just hoped the boggart would latch itself onto something else.
"Luckily," Lupin spoke as I zoned back in, "a very simple charm exists to repel a boggart. Let's practice it now."
We practiced the charm without wands for safety, the spell being 'ridicilus'.
"This class is ridiculous." Draco muttered besides me, Billy and Millie laughed at the boy but I simply glared at him.
"Why, because your fan girls aren't here?" I muttered, the boy letting out a small giggle, Billy joining him.
"Someone's in the dog house." Billy muttered to Draco, the boy smiling back at him. Lupin then explained that we also need to think of something we found truly amusing. Neville Longbottom was called up as an example, Professor Snape being his deepest fear. Everyone laughed at the boy but I could gather why, the man was quite terrifying. Neville pointed his wand towards the Professor and cast the spell which left the man wearing Neville's grandmother's clothes. Strangely, the man pulled it off.

We formed a line to which Draco and I were separated as everyone kept shoving and pushing. Luckily, Billy was a couple spaces in front of me and kept turning around to check we were all alright as Millie was a little far behind me. Ron went first, his fear being spiders. This caused a large, terrifying spider to jump from the cabinet though was shortly given roller skates which cause it to slip and slide all over the floor, thanks to Ron. Next was Billy, who watched as Millie fell from the cabinet and by the looks of things, she was dead. The classroom fell silent as the shaky voice of Billy cast the spell, resulting in the girl beginning to snore rather loudly. I turned back to see Millie with her mouth wide open, tears welling in her eyes as her boyfriend walked to the back of the line with his head hung low.

Soon enough, it was my turn. Nervously stepping forward, I glanced towards the boggart which began to shift and change until it finally formed into Draco. A gasp echoed throughout the classroom as the boy slowly walked towards me. That's when it fell silent. The boy had slowly lifted up his sleeve to reveal the death mark engraved into his arm, his wand pointed towards me. He began to speak the words 'Avada kadavra' to which I quickly countered, leading to the boy beginning to dance. I felt everyone's eyes on me as I walked to the back of the line, Draco trying to take hold of my arm which I quickly dodged and kept walking.

Next was Harry, who's boggart turned into a dementor. Lupin quickly jumped in front of the boy, which caused it to change into an image of a full moon. I found this strange as that's not something you would normally be afraid of. My first thought was that werewolves turned by the full moon but I highly doubted Dumbledore would let a werewolf be a professor at Hogwarts.
Nevertheless, Lupin dismissed the class which left me with a chance to rush away before the others could talk to me. I knew they'd be confused and Draco would be angry and upset.

Rushing through the crowds, I was desperate to get away from them. I knew the first place they'd think of looking would be in my dorm so I decided to go to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. As I walked along, I bumped into Drew, who stopped me immediately.

"What's wrong?" He spoke, lightly taking hold of my shoulders. At this point, I couldn't take it any more and began to break down in front of the boy. To this, he pulled me into a tight hug and led me to the library where we sat quietly on a table to talk. Before I could utter a word, Scarlett came running up to me, wrapping her arms around my shoulders.
"We've all been so worried." She exclaimed, pulling away, "what was with the boggart in class?"
"Slow down." Drew frowned, still knowing nothing, "boggart?"
I told Drew everything that had happened in class and how I felt, except I left out the part where I knew Draco's parents were Death Eaters. The lack of the small detail did confuse them, but I knew I couldn't betray Draco's trust and tell them. Soon enough, Scarlett noticed Draco stood by a book shelf, watching us. Drew and I had no clue of this and continued with our conversation.
"I don't understand." The boy frowned once more, "why are you worried he's going to turn into a Death Eater?"
The small cough behind us stopped us in our tracks as we turned to see the boy stood watching us. Drew quickly stood to his feet, Scarlett copying to which Draco glared at the two.
"Just hear her out, yeah?" Drew muttered before leaving us to it, Scarlett following besides him.

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