The Plannum

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As the days passed, Draco came to visit me whenever he could. However, this particular day he hadn't. I began to worry, what if what Ash had said was right all along. Still, I decided to simply get on with my work and hope he'd show up. Finally, lunch time came to which Snape strode in, a box in his hand.
"Miss Swan," he nodded, standing himself at the side of my bed, "Mr Malfoy hasn't came to see you today as he has a meeting with his family about the upcoming Bukbeak trial."
A frown made its way on my face. Trial? Draco hadn't told me about this. Did he not know about the trial or did he and he didn't want to tell me? And why is Snape telling me this over Draco?
"He told me he felt bad for not coming to see you today so I volunteered to keep you company." Snape continued, even having the sides of his mouth lift slightly. His face quickly changed when I smiled back, however.
"Thank you." I smiled, the man nodding before placing himself on the seat beside me.
"How are you?" He asked, seeming genuinely concerned, "still in pain?"
"It's getting better." I smiled, "I finished the work you gave Draco for me. Am I okay to give you it now?"
"You finished it already?" The man frowned, taking the papers from me and flipping through them.
"I don't want to be behind." I smiled, "plus it's really boring in here and I like potions."
Of course, I was still trying to prove myself to Snape this year and I feel I was slowly getting there, especially with him voluntarily sat beside me.

"When is the trail?" I finally asked after a short moment of silence, "is he nervous about it?"
"A little," Snape answered, "he only found out this morning and didn't have time to tell you. Although, he did ask me to give you this."
Snape reached to the side of his chair, myself glancing over the bed, desperate to know. He pulled up the box from earlier and handed it to me. Slightly confused and wary, I slowly took it from the professor's hands and looked down. It was, of course, a black box tied in an emerald ribbon. Slowly pulling it open, I noticed Snape watching intently out of the corner of my eye. Glancing inside, I found a glass box. Pulling it out, gorgeous stained glass flowers were dotted around the glass, all in different kinds and colours.
"It's gorgeous!" I exclaimed, Snape's corners of his mouth raising slightly.
"Put it on the table," he spoke softly, leaning in slightly, "and say the words Draco Malfoy."
Warily, I did as Snape had instructed. As I did, a singular red rose began to blossom from the glass. My eyes widened as it did so, myself glancing between the novelty and Snape.
"So if I say his name, the rose will blossom?" I asked, glancing back towards the beautiful flower.
"No," Snape sighed, "the rose will blossom if you say his name and he is thinking of you. It only lasts a few minutes to keep you guessing if he is still thinking of you or not."
"That's amazing!" I grinned, keeping my eyes locked onto rose which began to slowly fold back into a blossom before shrinking into nothing.
"It's called a Plannum." Snape told me, myself nodding as I smiled at the now empty glass.

Snape finally said he had to go as he had a meeting with Dumbledore. As he stood up to leave, I thanked him for keeping me company.
"Draco is quite lucky to have you, Miss Swan." The man spoke, his eyes meeting mine. Although he said this with no emotion, as he always does, I sensed a pinch of happiness buried into his eyes. However, he soon turned away as we looked at one another for a tad bit too long.
"Thank you." I nodded as the Professor turned away and left.

As the light began to fade from outside, I readied myself to sleep. As I finally closed my eyes, having only just found a comfortable position, I was disturbed by someone tapping me. Cautiously, I slowly turned my head, terrified of it being someone such as Sirius Black. Thankfully, I found myself looking into a pair of bright blue eyes. Draco's. However, as I studied closer, I noticed tears falling from them as the moon began to shine slightly onto his glowing face. Quickly sitting up, I worriedly took hold of Draco's hand and pulled him to sit on the bed. The boy suddenly burst into tears, making me sit up in order to hold him in my arms. Through cries and heavy breaths, the boy explained that his father has ordered him to keep quiet in the trial and to let him do the talking. He plans on ordering for Bukbeak to be executed. He told me he didn't want to do this, but as the boggart told us, Draco is terrified of him and what he is capable of.
"We'll work something out, I promise." I told the boy and although he seemed to doubt it, it comforted him at the time.

Not only to comfort Draco, but myself too, I invited the boy to sleep in the bed with me for the night and pray that we don't get caught.
"I'd love that." Draco smiled, myself nodding as he lay himself on his back. I positioned myself half on top of him, my head and arm on his chest and one of my legs wrapped around his own. I felt so safe and warm. However, as I began to drift off I felt Draco's arm on my side, it beginning to slide lower and lower. My eyes shot open and my breath was caught in my throat as I quickly jumped back.
"I'm sorry, are my hands cold?" Draco frowned, sitting himself up, also.
"No," I muttered, "I'm sorry, Draco. I'm not ready for anything like-"
"Oh my god!" Draco exclaimed, jumping up also, "I'm so sorry, Maiya. I was just going to caress your side, I wasn't trying to- I'm not even ready for that!"
"I'm sorry." I sighed, sitting back down on the bed, Draco doing the same.
"Don't apologise for not being ready." Draco frowned, "is this about what Ash said?"
"I don't know." I sighed, lying back down.
"I want you to know what I said was true. You're my first and only ever crush, consensual kiss and relationship. I'm not expecting anything like that for a long time. I'm really not ready either."
"Thank you, Draco." I smiled, the boy leaning down to place a tender kiss on my lips.
"Now move so I can lie how I was, it was comfortable with you on top." The boy laughed, myself giggling also as I obliged. Finally, I began to drift off to Draco caressing my side and holding my hand with his other, his soft snores in my ear.

Draco and I Vol. 3Where stories live. Discover now