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The following day, I woke up excited for the plans ahead. We were all going to Hogsmeade!   However, Lupin was still in the back of my mind. He was a very strange man and I could just tell he was up to something! I mean, we've never had a normal Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher so why start now. Nevertheless, I stood up and proceeded to open my curtains, catching Draco opening his, too! We have a small wave to one another, the boy seeming to feel better after yesterday, before beginning to get dressed.

As we all rushed to breakfast, I remembered something. I'd left my Hogsmeade letter on my bed. Due to us needing to go straight outside after breakfast, I told the others I'd meet them down there before rushing up to grab it. Entering my room, I quickly grabbed the letter and placed it into my bag which lay over my shoulder before heading out once more. I assumed I'd missed seeing Draco, but knew I'd be able to meet him after breakfast on. We were both so excited to go. We'd never been before and had saved up to spend  what we could when we were there.

Walking down the stairs once more, I was suddenly pushed into the side of the stairs, slamming my leg off of the stone causing me to let out a cry of pain. Clutching my leg, I turned to see what had happened and, of course, Ash was stood behind me, grinning from ear to ear.
"Watch out( you don't want to fall down the side of the stairs, it's a long was down." She smirked, "although, wouldn't be such a bad thing. No one would really notice and Draco would probably be relieved to have you off of his back."
"Draco loves me." I snarled, "what's wrong? Never had that before?"
"Draco doesn't love you!" Ash snapped, I'd obviously hit a nerve, "he got with half of Slytherin before you. He's probably just waiting for you to put out."

Without saying another word, the girl walked off seeming proud of what she'd done. I, on the other hand, was in a lot of pain. My leg was throbbing and I could sense the hit was going to leave a bad bruise, maybe worse. Nevertheless, I stumbled my way down the stairs and began to limp into the grand hall, trying my best not to make it too obvious. I sat myself in front of Billy and Olivia, Kayden and Kit sat to the other side of me.
"What took you so long?" Billy frowned, thankfully not noticing my limp.
"It took me a while to find." I laughed, trying my best not to cry.
"I thought you'd left it on your bed?" Olivia frowned, myself turning to her.
"Yeah I had, I must have knocked it on the floor though cause I found it down the side of my bedside table."
"You idiot." Olivia giggled, myself smiling softly.
"You okay?" Billy frowned, studying my face.
"Yeah." I lied, "just excited for Hogsmeade."

Finally, we were dismissed to prepare for Hogsmeade.
"Enjoy!" Seth smiled as we walked past him, "you'll love it!"
"Thanks." I smiled, trying my hardest to walk normally. Luckily, we were stuck in a big crowd of the whole year, which didn't draw attention to my leg thankfully. Finally, we reached the entrance at Hogwarts, Draco taking hold of my arm and pulling me towards him. This caused me to stumble into him, though Draco quickly caught me.
"Woah," the boy frowned, his arms tight around me, "you okay? You haven't been drinking have you?"
"No." I laughed, "I just tripped when you pulled me."
"Sorry," the smiled, "I'll be more careful with you."
"I appreciate it." I giggled, before turning to McGonagall who had placed herself at the front, ready to speak. She talked about how going to Hogsmeade was a privilege and that we should all be on our best behaviour. I glanced to Draco who quickly turned and glared at me.
"What's the for?" He laughed, "I'm always well behaved!"
"Sure." I smiled, before preparing myself to start walking. As we did, I noticed Ash's eyes piercing into my own. She seemed to be waiting to walk with us. I quickly took hold of Draco, pulling him back.
"Let's just wait until the crowd is gone." I suggested, my eyes not leaving hers.
"The shops will be crowded when we get there, but okay." The boy frowned, making me feel bad.
"Yeah okay." I muttered, leading him forward. As we began to walk, I noticed Ash beginning to walk also, placing herself in front of us which Draco snarled at. Seeing her brought back all of the things she said about Draco. About how he doesn't love me, he's been with multiple Slytherin girls and that he's only with me so he can have sex with me.
"Maiya!" I heard Draco say, I turned to look at him, worry in his eyes. By this point Ash had turned to look at us, a smug smile plastered on her face.
"You zoned out, did you hear what I said?" The boy asked.
"Sorry I'm just tired." I sighed, "what were you saying?"
"You sure that's all?" He asked, "you seemed to be really deep in thought there and you're walking a bit funny. What's going on?"
"I'm just tired." I smiled, trying to sound as convincing as possible.
"Okay then." Draco sighed, not seeming convinced at all, "you know you can talk to me about anything?"
"I know." I smiled, squeezing his hand before turning to look upon the village of Hogsmeade. We were finally here.

The village was covered in snow, making the small shops all the more adorable. Everyone had already ran off to whatever shops they wanted to go to, Draco seeming eager to do the same. We began to wander around, looking into the windows of sweet shops and joke shops. Soon enough, Draco found a book shop he'd been eager to go in as he wanted to find a book Snape had recommended him. As he opened the door, my eyes landed on two girls looking at a book in the corner. Ash and Rhea. Panicking I quickly pulled away from the shop and Draco's hand, the boy shutting the door and turning to me.
"What's wrong?" He asked, studying my face.
"I just want to stay out here for a bit," I smiled, falsely, "I'll wait for you."
With a sigh, Draco glanced into the shop before noticing the two girls, my cheeks burning red. He turned back to me, a frown on his face.
"It's Ash, isn't it?" He sighed, stepping closer and reaching out his hands, "love, I promise you-"
Suddenly, he stopped, I looked up to see a look of horror on his face. He was looking down, making me look down to before quickly turning back to him.
"What happened to your leg?!" He exclaimed.

Draco and I Vol. 3Where stories live. Discover now