The Results

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Making my way out of the pitch, I heard my name being called. I turned around to see Draco and his friend running towards me, looking both shocked and out of breath. Stopping in front of me, I gave them a moment to catch their breaths before they spoke.
"You didn't tell me you were trying out to play Quidditch!" Draco exclaimed, before wrapping his arms around me, "I'm so proud of you!"
"I mean, she's better than you." His friend laughed and I instantly picked up his Scottish accent. He was very tall and muscular for his age. He had quite long black hair and light green eyes with a lovely smile to go with them.
"Shut up, Drew." Draco laughed, turning to look at his friend as he pulled away from the hug but still left one arm around my shoulders, "but, you're not wrong."
"I won't get it though." I sighed, "I'm stupid for going for that position. It's Cedric's and he won't give that up."
"Trust me," Drew smiled, "he'll either take a different role and give you the seeker or put you in a different role. Either way, he'd be stupid for not letting you on the team."
"Exactly," Draco nodded, "don't worry about it, you'll find out the results when they're posted later."
Nodding my head, I knew the two boys were right.

We decided to sit outside in the courtyard for a while, which gave me the time to get to know Drew better. Him and Draco seemed to get along which I was happy about as he'd finally found a good friend in his house. Apparently, the two are dorm mates who've only really began to grow close recently. Drew is from a pure blood family, like Draco, though his mother had sadly passed away when he was young. He was from a small town in Scotland called Ayr, though his father wanted him to come to Hogwarts as that's where Drew's mother had studied and she had always wanted Drew to as well. He was originally friends with Ash, however she began to become hostile and rude towards him which ended their friendship promptly.
"I mean," the boy complained, "the only reason she tried out for seeker was to take it away from you."
"She was awful as well." I smiled, the two boys laughing.
"Oh god she was, wasn't she?" Drew cackled and I knew we were all going to get on really well. I remembered Drew had tried out to be a chaser and performed incredibly.

Finally, the list was finally posted for the Quidditch teams that evening. We all raced to the noticed board, pushing away all of the first years desperate to look and see. I saw everyone there, some looking with disappointed looks and others with smiles of joy. Billy pushed his way to the front, pulling all of us with him as he began to read it out for all of us.

Seeker - Harry Potter

Billy immediately stopped reading, turning to glare at us. Luckily, Harry wasn't there to listen to Billy's tantrum.
"Are you serious? Millie was way better than Harry!" Billy exclaimed, "it's because you're a woman! And Saint Potter gets everything he wants! Oh, what a surprise, he's still keeper. It's fixed! I swear when I see Oliver Wood I'm going to kick him right in the-"
"Shut up, Billy." Olivia groaned before she continued to read.

Keeper - Oliver Wood (C)
Beater - Fred Weasley
Beater - George Weasley
Chaser - Seth Lynch
Chaser - Millie Swainson
Chaser - Alexa Wilson

"See." Millie smiled, Billy glaring at her.
"It's still fixed." The boy muttered, Kayden giggling besides me.
"I can see why you two are together." She laughed, "you're too much alike."

The next sheet was Slytherin, leading me to take Draco's hand into mine, both worrying about Ash. The girl in question was stood right behind us, Rhea stood by my side which left Olivia bright red when she realised. Due to this, Billy took over reading once more, his arm now resting around Millie's shoulders with pride.

Seeker - Draco Malfoy

My heart skipped a beat as his name was read out. I turned to the boy, grinning from ear to ear. He returned the look, wrapping his arms around me as Billy and Drew patted his back in victory. I heard a scoff come from behind me, but I was too proud to care, though Millie wasn't as she shot the girl a harsh glare. Billy then carried on.

Keeper - Miles Bletchley
Beater - Ash Blackheart
Beater - Peregrine Derrick
Chaser - Rhea Bennet
Chaser - Marcus Flint (C)
Chaser - Drew Galloway

We began to cheer as Drew's name was called, him now being introduced to the group. Olivia rose her head to lock eyes with Rhea, her cheeks going even redder as she did so.
"Well done." She stumbled rather quietly, though the girl still heard.
"Couldn't have been more subtle if you tried." Billy whispered sarcastically, displaying a big, goofy smile which Millie lightly hit him for.
"Thanks." Rhea shrugged, turning to Ash who seemed to be fuming.
"This is ridiculous, I should be seeker not beater!" She exclaimed, Millie folding her arms which I knew wasn't good.
"You've just got to get on with it." She called, giving her a false smile.
"No offence, but I can see why you lost to Potter, but me loosing to one arm over here!" She cried, which hit a nerve immediately.
"Girl, you didn't even catch the snitch!" Millie snapped, Billy quickly taking hold of her waist to hold her back.
"Millie ran circles around you." I frowned, "and as for Draco, even with no arms he's still a better seeker than you will ever be."
"Oh really?" She snarled, "we'll see about that!"
With this, she stormed off, dragging Rhea with me.
"Why did you let her go, Draco? She's a keeper." Billy giggled, Drew laughing also.
"Actually she's a beater." He laughed, everyone groaning at the awful dad joke.
"Let's just move on." I laughed, Billy agreeing and continuing to read once more.

Seeker - Cho Chang
Keeper - Scarlett Cross
Beater - Duncan Inglebee
Beater - Jason Samuels
Chaser - Roger Davies (C)
Chaser - Randolf Burrow
Chaser - Jeremy Stretton

We all erupted in cheers and applause as Scarlett beamed in pride. I watched as Billy nudged Kit, signalling for him to say something to her.
"Oh-" he muttered, "well done."
"Just as subtle as Olivia." Billy whispered once more, earning another, slightly harder, hit from Millie.
"Now for the most important." Billy grinned, Draco giving my hand a tight squeeze of reassurance.

Seeker - Cedric Diggory (C)
Keeper - Herbert Fleet
Beater - Olivia Taylor
Beater - Billy Taylor
Chaser - Heidi Macavoy
Chaser - Malcom Preece
Chaser - Maiya Swan

Everyone began to cheer once more, Draco wrapping his arms around me.
"I know it's not what you wanted," he sighed, "and I think you should have gotten it, but I'm still so proud of you!"
Everyone was giving each other congratulations whilst Kayden and Kit looked a little disappointed.
"Next year, guys." Billy smiled, everyone agreeing with bright, proud smiles.
"Maiya!" a voice interrupted from down the corridor, myself turning to look, "I need to speak to you."

Draco and I Vol. 3Where stories live. Discover now