Making up and making out

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An awkward silence was cast upon us as Draco sat himself down besides me. I couldn't bare to look him in the eye, unsure of what to say or what to do.
"I'm sorry." I finally spoke after what felt like an eternity of silence. A small sigh came from Draco as he rested his head in his hands.
"Your biggest fear is that I'll turn on you?" He frowned, lifting his head slightly to look at me. Still, I couldn't even look at him. The hurt in his eyes brought me too much pain. I simply nodded, tears beginning to roll down my cheeks. This caused Draco to slowly stand to his feet, laying his hands softly on top of mine. His fingers began to intertwine with mine, pulling me to my feet, also. His head slowly fell to the crook of my neck, our hands still glued together. He soon let go, opting to wrap his arms around my waist instead. One hand rested on the back of my neck, allowing me to cry into the boy's shoulder. He didn't do or say anything for a while, just let me cry. Eventually, I heard a sniffle from above me, myself questioning if he was crying too. It wasn't until the boy pulled my head out of his shoulder that I saw his red, puffy eyes and rosy, tear-stained cheeks. He gave me a small smile, the hurt present in his eyes.

"Life is complicated." He almost whispered, his eyes drifting down to our hands which seemed to be linked once more, "I can't promise I won't become a Death Eater, what with my family's past."
The boy slowly lowered his head, as if ashamed of his life. His right hand dropped from one of mine, though his other still latched on tight. A finger was placed gently under my chin, the boy tilting my head to look into his eyes as his head lifted once more.
"I will always be with you, no matter what mark is on my arm." Draco spoke firmly, his icy, blue eyes looking into mine, "and I will always protect you. Neither I or Voldemort or any other Death Eater will lay a finger on you as long as I live."
I smiled, believing every word coming from him. I knew he couldn't disobey his family, doing so could lead to him being disowned, held captive, tortured and even murdered!

His hands fell to my waist, pulling me closer to place a tender kiss on my tear stained lips. Flickering my eyes closed, I carefully reciprocated, placing my hands on his shoulders. That was until a deep cough broke us from our moment. Cautiously, we both turned to the sound to discover Snape had stumbled upon us.
"Mr Malfoy. Miss Swan." He sighed, looking between the two of us who quickly separated, embarrassed, "this school is for learning magic, not learning how to make children in your third year. Please go to your own rooms."
Nodding my head quickly as a bright blush was painted on my cheeks, I took hold of Draco's hand and lead him out of the library.

As the doors slammed behind us, both Draco and I burst into laughter after the comment Snape had made.
"I don't think I'll ever get over that." Draco giggled, his face bright red as he covered it quickly. Tears fell from his eyes, this time due to his laughing fit. Finally, we began to walk towards the stairs to our common rooms, still giggling as we did so which gained some strange looks from people passing by. Still hand in hand, I gently placed a kiss on Draco's cheek, whispering "I love you" into his ear before beginning to walk up the stairs and into my common room.
"I love you, too!" He called up the stairs, before making his way to his own common room.

Entering the room, Olivia, Billy, Kayden and Kit were sat on the sofas, all quickly turning when I entered. Of course, Billy and Olivia were in my class which meant they probably wanted to know what had happened.
"Where did you rush off to?" Billy exclaimed, standing to his feet and walking over to me as the others sat, turned towards the entrance I was now stood in.
"I was in the library with Draco." I muttered, already feeling awkward.
"Are you two okay after that?" Olivia frowned, Billy leading me to the sofas by my arm, placing me between him and Olivia with Kayden and Kit on the other one.
"We're fine." I smiled, "it's complicated, you know? It's hard to explain."
"I don't understand." Kit frowned, "you're more scared of being killed by Draco than you are of being killed by He Who Must Not Be Names?"
"She's just said it's hard to explain" Billy laughed, Kayden nodding her head.
"Plus, everyone knows The Dark Lord would kill us." She spoke, turning herself towards Kit, "but being killed by the person you trust the most? That does sound awful."
"That's true." Billy spoke, "I'd rather be murdered by him because, well, it's him. If Millie was to murder me I'd not only die but I'd die feeling betrayed and hurt."
"Moving on from this depressing topic." Olivia laughed, "not all of us got to see their boggarts."
"I don't see how that's any less depressing." Billy frowned, which resulted in him receiving a light hit from Olivia.
"I mean, we aren't even in your class." Kit frowned, "but it would be fun to know everyone's."
"Then let's sneak into Lupin's class and try it out." Olivia grinned, "oh, come on! It's educational!"
"I'm down." Billy shrugged, Kit nodding.
"Let's go then!" Kayden smiled. Luckily, all of the other students were in bed.
"Let's send a message to the others." I spoke, taking a piece of parchment paper and writing a note to Draco and Drew, Billy writing one for Millie, Seth, Alexa and AJ and Kit writing one for Scarlett and Elton.
"Let's get going, we'll meet them down there." Billy smiled, taking a coat as the rest of us followed.

Draco and I Vol. 3Where stories live. Discover now