The Big Surprise

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Marcus Flint stepped to the middle of the field, the team standing with him. Draco was sat watching and I noticed Flint give him a subtle nod before he began talking.
"Let's have chasers first" he spoke, "can I have Rhea Bennet, Drew Galloway, Graham Montague, Adrian Pucey and Cassius Warrington."
I watched as the group made their way forwards, Olivia's eyes widening as they landed on Rhea. Billy grinned as he began to mock Olivia's bright red cheeks. Rhea was actually amazing! She was on par with Alexa and I knew if they both made the team, their matches would be extraordinary. The others were just as good, however they didn't match her.

Next were the tryouts to be seeker and only one girl stood waiting.
"Ash Blackheart." Flint called, my face hardening as the smug girl strutted forward, Rhea whispering something to her as she did so. I saw Draco look away as the girl then turned to him. My fists clenched and I could feel myself going red. I'd never even spoken to the girl but I could tell she was up to something and I didn't like her one bit.
"Is that the bitch who forced herself on Draco?" Millie frowned, glaring at the girl with dead eyes.
"Yes." I sighed, gritting my teeth as she did so. I knew she was trying to upstage Draco as she glared at him throughout her whole performance. However, this only put her off. Still, Flint seemed to like her. I just prayed he'd like Draco more.

Soon enough, their tryouts were over which left Ravenclaw to go next. We cheered once more as Scarlett walked onto the pitch, Kit cheering the loudest. The biggest smile appeared on his face as she stood at the front of the group, broom in hand.
"Can I now have the keepers." Roger Davies (the Ravenclaw captain) spoke, "Scarlett Cross and Grant Page."
Confidently, the girl stepped forward, going first. She was incredibly talented, a lot better than Grant. She was so agile, catching the quaffle every time despite it being tossed to her from every direction. I saw Kit's grin becoming even wider as he cheered for her the loudest and the girl noticed as she smiled to him.

Finally, it was time for the Hufflepuff tryouts. As I made my way down, I kept an eye on Draco, who was too busy talking to a Slytherin boy to notice.
"First, I'll have the chasers." Our captain, Cedric Diggory, spoke, "Kayden Carter, Heidi Macovoy, Malcom Preece and Kit Prince."
Patting Kyden on the back, she stepped forwards first. I have to admit, she wasn't as good as we'd hoped. She only scored one point and kept swaying dangerously on her broom, which had us worried she'd fall off it a few times. I could tell she was disappointed with herself when she climbed off of her broom, but we simply encouraged her to try again next year. When Kit went, he too was very nervous. This was due to Scarlett watching and even more so when he heard her cheering. He too kept going off balance on his broom and scoring very little goals. The poor boy looked as if he were ready to cry when he came off of the pitch, unable to look in the direction of Scarlett.
"She's going to think I'm an idiot." He muttered, Kayden and I turning to him.
"That would make her the idiot." I returned, "and Scarlett is no idiot. If she likes you, this won't change anything. You just need to practice."
"She could give you private lessons." Billy winked to the boy, Olivia elbowing her brother before the two had to step forwards.

"Next, the beaters," Cedric called, "Michael McManus, Maxine O'Flaherty, Anthony Rickett, Olivia Taylor and Billy Taylor."
Billy quickly embraced his sister when she stepped forward for her turn. She was utterly perfect, hitting each and every ball that came her way, Billy and I cheering loudly as he did so. Finally, it was Billy's turn, though you could tell that from the shouts coming from the Gryffindor tower.
"Come on, baby!" Millie called, the rest of us giggling. I noticed him giving her little looks and winks and smiles as he would fly by, though these seemed to fuel him more rather than distract him and bring him down. He came off the pitch and immediately embraced Olivia. The twins seemed very proud of each other.

Finally, Cedric called the final tryout. Draco still had no clue as he was too focused in his conversation with the other Slytherin. The only time he looked at the pitch was when someone would fly past him. Although, he did cheer every time it was one of our friends. I took a deep shaky breath as I saw Cedric prepare for me, looking at his clipboard.
"You've got this." Billy smiled, "you'll do him proud."
I nodded, though didn't feel that way anymore. It seemed real now and all of the confidence had been washed away with this realisation.
"Finally, trying out to be a seeker." The boy spoke, "Maiya Swan."

Looking to Draco, I saw his head shoot towards the pitch, the boy he was talking to doing the same. Their conversation seemed to instantly stop which made my heart stop with them. I heard the applause form my friends in their boxes and the group around me and finally, I knew I had to walk forward. Cedric gave me a genuine smile before asking if I was ready. I nervously nodded and mounted the broom. Taking one last glance to Draco, he was practically over the barrier, stood watching.

I began to kick myself off of the ground. My heart was pounding out of my chest, my palms were sweaty, my head felt like it was spinning, my chest felt tight, my whole body was shaking. Still, I knew I had to prove myself. This was confirmed when my eyes met Ash. Her smug smile plastered on her face as she'd purposefully placed herself behind Draco. I knew she was planning on doing something this year to deter him away from me. I knew she wouldn't succeed, but I also knew I wanted to rub it in her face that I'm not only a better match for him but better overall, including being a seeker. I was. The snitch was released and I began to wizz around the pitch, building up speed and taking short cuts to catch it as I calculated where it was heading. In just 8 minutes I managed to catch the flying object, having had to turn myself upside down. I cling to the broom, my other hand reaching up as I positioned myself just ahead of the snitch. Finally, I stopped myself, the snitch landing in my hand with ease. The stands and team erupted in cheers and applause as I nervously made my way back down. Looking at Cedric's face as I handed him the snitch, he was in shock.
"I'm going to need to keep an eye on you." He grinned, placing a hand on my shoulder, "I think that's the best tryout I've every seen. Well done!"

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