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"Ahem." A voice called, quickly waking Draco and I from our sleep. Both of us immediately sat up to see Professor Snape glaring at us.
"Professor!" Draco exclaimed, his cheeks burning, "we weren't... we just..."
"I don't want to know, Mr Malfoy," Snape sighed, "just get dressed and get back to your common room, don't let me catch you two doing whatever this was again, please. I just came to say that Miss Swan is free to go."
With another sigh, the man left. I turned to Draco who was bright red, though he began giggling as soon as our eyes met. Excitedly, we quickly got dressed and began to walk to our common rooms. I was so excited to sleep in my own bed that night, though had to get through the day first. I was also thankful to see my friends again.

Speaking of, as I walked up the stairs, I bumped into Millie and Seth who were on their way to the great hall for breakfast.
"Oh my god, you're out of hospital!" Millie exclaimed, rushing over and wrapping her arms around me, "Im so glad you're alright! I swear I've been practicing my spells ready to attack her if she so much as looks at you the wrong way!"
"Please don't. I'm sure she'll leave me alone now that Snape knows what she's been doing." I laughed, though appreciated the gesture.
"Were you okay last night, though?" Seth frowned, my cheeks burning red as I wondered how they'd found out.
"Last night?" I repeated, trying not to sound guilty though I could feel Draco staring at me, nervously.
"Oh my god, yeah!" Millie exclaimed, "we all had to sleep in the great hall because Sirius Black was spotted in the castle yesterday!"
"He was what?!" I exclaimed, Draco seeming just as shocked as I was, "why didn't they tell me? He could have done anything to me!"
"Yeah, that's true." Seth frowned, "they just left you alone in the hospital wing!"
"Well," Draco smirked, "she wasn't exactly alone."
Giving him a small hit on the arm, Seth and Millie's eyes widened.
"You didn't!" Millie exclaimed, Draco giggling beside me.
"We only shared a bed!" I laughed, "nothing more!"
"I'm sure that's all you did." Millie smirked, giving me a not-so-subtle wink, which just made me laugh harder. Still, I was glad Draco was there as who knows what could've happened had I been alone.
"Wait," Draco suddenly stopped us, "so have they found Sirius Black?"
"No." Seth sighed, "apparently he attacked the Fat Lady."
"So he was trying to get into the Gryffindor common room?" I frowned, "why? Is he after someone?"
Suddenly, Draco's eyes widened as it seemed he suddenly remembered something.
"Harry." He muttered, "I remember my father telling me that Sirius told Voldemort where Harry's parents were when they went into hiding!"
"No!" Millie shrieked, "that's awful! And now he's what? Coming back to finish the job?"
"Seems that way," Draco frowned, "well, can we all agree that we won't walk anywhere alone until he's caught?"
"Agreed." We all nodded before Draco and I decided to head off to our common rooms.

Beginning class, I had Defence Against the Dark Arts, although Snape strode through the door. A frown made its way on my face as I realised Lupin still must have returned after he left a few days ago.
"Turn to page 394." Snape spoke, Draco and I quickly doing so.
"Where's Lupin?" Draco whispered, myself shaking my head.
"He mustn't be back yet." I returned, before looking at the given page. Werewolves? I turned to Draco and frowned as we were in the middle of learning about redcaps and hincipunks. I began to wonder if Snape was trying to tell us something, all of the signs of Lupin being a werewolf was there!
"Excuse me, sir." A voice called, myself turning to see Harry looking at Snape, "where's Professor Lupin?"
"That's not really any of your concern." Snape replied, coldly, "it's surprising to say but your professor finds himself incapable of teaching at the present time. Turn to page 394."
My eyes raised as Snape spoke, every word he said proving my theory.
"But sir," Hermione just had to interject, "we've just begun learning about redcaps and hincipunks. We're not meant to learn about nocturnal beasts for weeks."
"Quiet." Snape growled, causing my to smile lightly. Still, I turned to Draco and pointed to a piece of paper I was writing on. On it, I wrote I think Lupin is a werewolf. Draco frowned to me and shook his head.
"You're thinking too much into it." He whispered in my ear, "he's probably just ill."
Rolling my eyes, I decided to just agree, however I was not convinced.

"Now," Snape spoke once more, "who can tell me the difference between an anomalous and a werewolf?"
I quickly put my hand up, noticing Hermione do the same.
"No one? How disappointing." Snape sighed as he hadn't noticed me yet. Finally, his eyes landed on me to which he nodded for me to speak. However, just as I was about to, Hermione interrupted me causing Snape to slowly turn and glare at the girl.
"Please, sir, an animagous is a wizard who elects to turn into an animal, a werewolf has no choice. With each full moon, he transforms and no longer remembers who is. He'd kill his best friend if he crossed his path." She went on, "furthermore, the werewolf only responds to calls of its own kind."
"AWOOOO!" Draco cried, myself giggling, however Snape just sighed.
"Thank you, Mr Malfoy," he spoke sternly, before turning to Hermione, "that is twice you have spoken out of turn, Miss Granger. I had just nodded for Miss Swan to answer the question before your little outburst. Are you incapable of restraining yourself or do you take pride in being an insufferable know-it-all?"
A smile made its way onto mine and Draco's face as the girl hung her head in shame. I know it was a bit harsh, but he wasn't wrong. Five points were taken from Gryffindor, which made me smile further. Finally, we were given the assignment of 2 rolls of parchment on werewolves, due Monday. I nodded as I quickly wrote this down for later.

Turning to Draco, he was sat drawing something. Looking over his shoulder, I saw a picture of Harry playing Quiditch before being hit by a bludger and being struck my lightning.
"You're so immature." I sighed, rolling my eyes.
"And you love it." He smiled, showing his dazzling teeth, forcing my head to nod in agreement. He then quickly folded the note and blew it over to Harry. The boy cautiously opened it before glaring at Draco, who returned a smug look back.

Draco and I Vol. 3Where stories live. Discover now