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Hello, dear reader,
I am informing you that what you are reading is a gathering of information that I have acquired on the subject of the Quagmire orphans. You must know by now the tragic themes this story takes, so I will not ask you to leave, as I am under the impression that you know what you are signing up for. Though, I will say this story is not as sad as those before it. I have found what is to my utmost abilities the most that can be found of the Quagmire story. Of course, there were some gaps in the story that had to be filled using guesswork, but I am sure that nowhere else will you find a more accurate account of the Quagmire story.

Thus, let us begin with a brief revision of the Quagmires.

The Quagmire orphans were triplets whose first names were Quigley, Duncan, and Isadora. They each excelled at their respective interests. For Quigley it was cartography. For Duncan it was journalism. For Isadora it was poetry. The siblings were as thick as thieves and were inseparable. All was well until they were forced apart by the fire that killed their parents. Since then they have discovered intriguing secrets and gone on adventures they had not anticipated.

You are probably familiar with those events as they have become quite popular following the release of A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket, a series of 13 books in total that follows the unfortunate events of the Baudelaire orphans. The Quagmire triplets make a good amount of appearances during the account, as they had become great friends with the Baudelaires being the only light in their tragic story.

This left readers interested in what was next in their lives. Lemony Snicket informed up until the Quagmires getting swallowed up whole along with Captain Widdershins, Fiona Widdershins, and Fernald Widdershins. They are all believed to be dead. But what if I told you that was not the case?

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