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"That reminds me, we need to get those villains out of Yokohama," Mori said as he looked to his son, Dazai, who was keeping his eyes on his children that were in the room, and also keeping his eyes on Atsushi. 

Mori cringed slightly, knowing Dazai was doing it because he didn't want to miss anything, in case something happened. 

"Dazai," Mori called out to his son, who was not paying attention. 

"Yes, papa?" Dazai asked as he finally looked at him.

"What is being done to get the League of Villains out of Yokohama?" Mori asked, as he looked from his son to his other son, who was now staring at his older brother. 

"Atsushi and Akutagawa are going to handle it, after this," Dazai said, then he looked to Denki, "And probably going to take Denks too. I know he's been itching to fight for real." 

Denki smiled big and nodded. He's been holding back his ability so it will look like a quirk so finally being able to go all out will be fun. 


After addressing the LOV, the Port Mafia left, leaving the young heroes still confused, but more informed on the situation in it's entirety.

"So, the Port Mafia are like vigilantes?" Midoriya asked, as he looked to his mentor, All Might. 

"Yes, to us they are, but to the citizens of Yokohama, they are considered heroes and saviors," All Might answered as he patted the green haired boy on the head. 

"So we've been accusing innocent people of awful things?" Kirishima asked, feeling bile in his throat, "That's not manly."

Eraserhead just shook his head, disappointed in his students. 

Bakugou, for once, was dead quiet, he just huffed and stood near Kirishima. 

"I knew something wasn't right with this situation, the way the citizens talked about them and how they addressed us, never starting a fight first, I should've paid more attention," Shoji's voice was quiet but everyone heard him. 

'Of course, Shoji never was one to judge immediately,' Aizawa thought, and if he remembered correctly, Shoji hardly ever joined the fight against the Port Mafia, he only participated  in the fight against the LOV. 

"I agree, the way they protected the citizens while we were fighting the LOV in the alleyway, we should've seen the signs they were good," Tsuyu said as she looked to Tokoyami, "You were right about something being off with the way we were invited here and the way everyone conducted themselves."

Tokoyami just nodded as Dark Shadow looked like he was smug. 

'Of course, they were the ones to see that something wasn't right, they observed more than just blowing up at everything,' Aizawa thought as he looked at the students. 

"The animals were right, but I was too caught up in how everyone else was acting to listen," Koda's very quiet voice whispered into the wind. 

Aizawa nodded then finally stood. 

"You need to observe more than act when things happen," Aizawa said, addressing the actual troublemakers of Class 1-A. 


Dazai was sitting with Chuuya when the ginger started talking. 

"Every time we do this exercise, you become even more clingy to Atsushi," Chuuya was stating the obvious, everyone knew how Dazai got. 

"I keep remembering the morning that I found his bedroom empty," Dazai whispered, before leaning into Chuuya, "I was asleep in the room next to his when he was kidnapped, I should've heard it."

Chuuya didn't talk, he just wrapped his arms around his husband and pulled him closer. 


The LOV were in the warehouse, finally reunited with Toga, when they heard something. 

It sounded like lighting cracking against the warehouse doors. 

"I'll go check," Spinner said quietly as he crept to the door, but once he touched it, he was blown back by a dolt of electricity. 

"What the-" Toga was cut off as a black tendril came through the door and blew the door off the hinges. 

All of the League took fighting stances, as three people walked through the door. 

"It's time for you villains to leave Yokohama," A black haired boy, Akutagawa, said, before turning to Shigaraki, "And go back to your side of the barrier."

Before Dabi could activate his quirk, another black tendril slammed him across the warehouse, cracking his head against the wall so hard, he passed out. 

"Now leave," The LOV noticed it was Denki, who was talking now. 

And as he did so, electricity cracked around him. 

"We allowed the barrier to break some to let you in, but all you've done since you got here was cause panic and trouble," The silver haired boy, Atsushi, said as he glared at the boss.  

The LOV realized quickly that they would lose if they engaged in a fight with the three men in front of them. 


Akutagawa, Atsushi, and Denki watched as the remaining LOV members who were still awake, gathered their two knocked out members and left the warehouse. 

"The man known as Hirotsu and the boy, Karma, will be waiting for you by the exit of Yokohama, you will just got to the East side of Yokohama and you will find them. You go anywhere else, you will be eliminated," Akutagawa said, as he gave instructions to the League. 

The boss, Shigaraki nodded, knowing the man was not just giving out a threat, it was more of a promise. 

If the LOV did not do what was instructed, they would be killed.





Author's Note;

The next chapter might be the last chapter, but I might break the chapter into two different parts. 

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