Thirty-Four *SHORT*

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In the morning, once Chuuya and Dazai left, and Aya was aged back up into Uraraka, the other students started waking up. 

Bakugou was angry when he woke up and tried to attack Yosano when she tried to check over his injuries. 

"You can't do this!" He was yelling, trying to break the restraints that were put on him, so Yosano could check his injuries. 

"You'll be able to leave right after I finish checking your bones," Yosano told him calmly as she pressed down his leg, to make sure it was no longer broken. 

"How long?" The blonde boy demanded, as he glared at the doctor. 

"Right after I finish this leg," She informed him, moving to his other leg as she did so. 

After the check up was done, the restraints were removed and he literally stomped out of the room. 

Yosano turned to the others and they sat perfectly still and did not fight her like Bakugou, for that, she was grateful, she didn't want to restrain anyone again. 

Although, she wouldn't be against it. 


Uraraka was typing on her private phone when she heard footsteps, she immediately hid it, not wanting to be found out. 

"Oi! Pink-Cheeks!" She knew immediately who it was and it made her lightly groan, she didn't want to deal with the angry pomeranian today. 

"Yes, Bakugou?" She replied, keeping up her act, despite wanting to rip the blonde's vocal cords out. 

"How did you get the fuck outta there so early?" He was sneering at her, probably angry after the check up, she decides. 

"I woke up earlier, probably because my injury wasn't as bad as yours," She said, still being the polite lady she was supposed to be. 

"Ugh," He expressed his clear displeasure and it made her want to laugh. 


Once the rest of the League of Villains were up, they found Dabi and Shigaraki asleep at the metal table, hunched over a map. 

"Dabi~" Toga sang as she shook the black haired villain. 

"What?" He asked, his voice annoyed. 

"It's time to get up," She said, still shaking him, now harder than before. 

"Go wake up Shigaraki," He said, finally sitting up straight, before stretching and getting up. 

He wanted coffee. 

Toga then turned her attention to the leader of the League, who looked far more comfortable than Dabi. 

"BOSS!" She yelled right into his ear, making the man jump and fall out of the seat. 

"I will kill you, if you ever do that again," Shigaraki growled from the ground as he glared up at the blonde girl. 

While that was going on, everyone else was looking at the map. 

"Is this the plan?" Magne asked as she took a seat and looked to the leader then to their second in command, Dabi, who was walking back into the space with two cups of coffee. 

"Yes, we worked on it all night," Shigaraki sounded proud of himself as he took the offered coffee from Dabi. 

"Tell us about it!" Twice said excitedly, while his other half spoke, "Don't tell us anything!"


Hirotsu was told of the plan and how the League was going to attack from Gin and Higuchi, who has stuck around and listened to the LOV's plan.

After making sure the kids were going to be comfortable at the ADA's old office, he started making preparations for defense to make sure the orphanage didn't get destroyed.

He knew the Black Lizards were going to be letting him quite a few guys, and he knew Gin and Tachihara were going to come as well. 

"Are you sticking around, Karma?" Hirotsu asked the boy. 

"Yes, of course," Karma immediately answered, "I lived here for a couple of years before getting my own place. This was my home. I will stay and help protect it."

Hirotsu smiled slightly at the boy and nodded. 


After everyone was looked over, Uraraka was back in a room with a group of other students, namely Iida, Midoriya, Bakugou, Kirishima, Momo, Kaminari, and Jiro, and they were discussing what happened at the park. 

"Those villains are getting braver," Bakugou said, as he looked to Midoriya, "They attacked us in the broad daylight. Why didn't any of the citizens call the police?" 

Uraraka wanted to laugh and tell them it's because the police respect and know the Port Mafia, but she had to keep being her "hero" self. 

"They probably paid off the citizens and police to keep quiet," Uraraka said, wanting to plant more false information. 

Every speculation they have is spot on from the heroes from five years ago, but sometimes she had to plant the idea for them, so her dad's plan went accordingly. 

"Then we need to get the government involved," Iida said, as he looked around the room after everyone. 

"How the hell do we do that?" Bakugou said as he looked to Iida. 

"Well didn't you guys say that using your quirk made the Hunting Dogs come to you?" Kirishima asked, and when he did, Uraraka smiled, knowing exactly what he was implying and she couldn't wait to see the aftermath. 

"So we use our quirks, get the Hunting Dogs in front of us and explain everything, then hope they take us seriously and arrest the villains?" Jiro asked, looking at the redhead, who was now nodding. 

"It sounds like a good plan, but who will use their quirk and lure them in?" MIdoriya asked, then looking at Kaminari. 

"Kaminari will do it," Bakugou decided, already sensing what Midoriya was going to say. 

"He's a good choice, his electricity will be visible, and less loud than Kacchan," Midoriya said, as he eyes Kaminari, who looked relaxed, picking at his fingers, as if he wasn't paying attention. 

When suddenly his head snapped up. 

"Whatcha talking about?" He asked and Midoriya and Bakugou looked to each other and nodded.





Author's Note;

This chapter is setting up the next events of the book!

This is the last update before I go to work and then school. 

I usually post every night(EST) and sometimes multiple times a day if I plan on not updating that night! On Thursday Nights and Friday mornings/evenings I do not update, those are the only days I don't unless stated otherwise! I am usually back to updating Friday night tho, unless stated otherwise!

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