Thirty-Eight *SHORT*

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Dazai was alone in his office when two people walked in, looking smug as can be. 

"What's the purpose of this meeting?" Dazai asked as he looked to the people in front of him. 

"We planted the seed that Toga can be rescued," Piano Man said as he sat in the chair in front of his boss. 

"And I played the part perfectly," Lippmann said, sitting on Piano Man's lap. 

"Good, so it's all set?" Dazai asked, knowing the answer already, but wanting to confirm. 

"Yes, they will be at the meet spot tomorrow afternoon," Piano Man confirmed as he rubbed Lippmann's thigh. 

"Dismissed," Dazai said, and smiled slightly as the two men exited the room. 


Aya was back with Class 1-A, way in the back, so she wouldn't get discovered as missing. 

"I can't believe they did that!" Bakugou was yelling, as he cursed at everyone he passed. 

"Bakugou, please, compose yourself," Iida said, trying to make the blonde behave in public. 

"No, they had no right to make us sign that!" Bakugou growled as he glared at the class president. 

"Yes, they did. The hero commission told them to, that means they had to," Yaomomo said, being the voice of reason or trying to be. 

"Then the hero commission is ruining our chances of becoming heroes," Midoriya said quietly as he looked to the class, "They are not seeing reason, we need to prove to them that the Port Mafia is a villain organization."

"That's right, they're not hearing our side! We need to show them!" Kaminari exclaimed as he jumped around, "Maybe we can get the Port Mafia on film being villains!"

Aya wanted to laugh, everything the class did was just proving the Port Mafia's point about heroes. 


The LOV were suspicious of the handsome mysterious stranger, but they did trust him. 

He seemed too sincere not to be trustworthy. 

"Do you think he will deliver on his promises?" Dabi asked his leader as he sat next to him. 

"Yes, he seems trustworthy," Shigaraki answered as sipped at his drink. 

"Do you know his name?" Dabi asked, as the two talked alone for a few minutes before the man left. 

"No, but he did say to call him Mr.Mann," Shigaraki answered, knowing it sounded shady. 

Dabi chuckled as he looked to his leader. 

"Of yes, let's trust the man who goes by Mr.Mann," Dabi teased as he snatched the leader's drink and drowned it. 

"Dabi!" Shigaraki yelled as he stood up, causing the fire quirk user to get up and run. 


"The LOV are now being lured in," Dazai told Chuuya as the short ginger entered the office. 

"Does that mean Lippmann got in and completely enchanted them with his looks?" Chuuya asked, giggling, knowing the tactic worked everytime. 

"Yes, and plus he's very convincing," Dazai said, grabbing Chuuya's hand and pulling the short man to him. 

Chuuya giggled even more as he landed on his husband's lap. 

"Anything to report?" Dazai whispered as he kissed his husband's forehead. 

"Verlaine is visiting the ADA today," Chuuya said, indicating the next steps of the plan. 

"Oh, does this mean that the Hunting Dogs finished their part?" Dazai asked, checking his phone. 

"Yes, the class signed the papers," Chuuya confirmed as Dazai confirmed from the text from Teccho. 

"Good, everything is set," Dazai said, as he stood up, Chuuya in his arms. 


Verlaine walked up the stairs slowly, listening to the conversation going on inside the office. 

"I don't understand why a lot of the agency members are either dating or married to villains," It was Aizawa. 

"That's a very private matter," Verlaine recognized it was Kunikida who answered. 

And Verlaine knew where this was going. 

"Maybe you should do something about it. Good guys don't intermingle with the bad guys," It was All Might, "It's what gets the good guys killed."

Verlaine wanted to lash out. 

These heroes knew nothing about their city, it was starting to make him even angrier than before. 





Author's Note; 

So, I had a family emergency Monday afternoon, I updated a chapter I pre-wrote a little bit of, and finished it on my phone. The situation got worse as the night continued, I stayed in the hospital with this family member until tonight, when I decided to go home and take care of myself a lil bit because the injured family member is getting better now, thanks to the wonderful hospital staff. 

I am going back to the hospital tomorrow, and I will try to update whenever I can until this family member is home.

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