Chapter 2: Friendship

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Antonia and Harry made their way back to the compartment, anticipation swirling within Harry's chest. He continued to admire Antonia's bravery and authenticity, grateful for the chance to get to know her better. However, as they drew nearer to the compartment, a sense of unease crept over Harry like a shadow, emanating from Ron.

Harry couldn't ignore the flicker of doubt he had detected in Ron's response to Antonia joining them. Although he had assured Antonia that Ron would welcome her, Harry couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. As they entered the compartment, the atmosphere became palpably tense.

Ron's eyes met Antonia's, and Harry noticed a sudden transformation come over his friend. Ron's usual vibrant presence seemed to wither away, leaving behind a pale and ghostly figure, huddled in the corner by the window. The unease in the compartment was almost tangible, hanging heavy in the air. He stood alongside Antonia at the entrance, looking down with a pressing gaze for Ron to limber up. Ron swallowed hard and slowly straightened his back against the seat.

"Ron, this is Antonia," Harry introduced, his voice filled with hope and a tinge of apprehension. Ron's nervousness was evident as he stumbled over his own words. Antonia smiled warmly, her presence emanating calmness and acceptance.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Ron," Antonia replied, her voice gentle and reassuring. Ron appeared unsure, still grappling with his own reservations. Sensing the tension, Harry encouraged Antonia to take a seat by the door, indicating the empty spot. As she settled into her seat, Harry positioned himself on the other side of her, facing Ron near the window.

"So," Harry began, his voice carrying a hint of excitement. He cleared his throat before continuing, "Is this your first year at Hogwarts?"

Antonia nodded, her silver hair shimmering under the compartment's dim light. "Yes, it is. I assume it's the same for both of you?"

Harry nodded in confirmation, a mixture of nerves and anticipation evident on his face. Ron glanced at Harry, his expression pleading for assistance. Harry understood and gave him an encouraging nod, silently urging him to join the conversation. Meanwhile, Antonia settled her pet carrier down carefully, her attention now fully focused on the conversation unfolding before her. Ron's attention peeked as he looked at the carrier.

"What have you got?" Ron asked, his eyes gleaming with curiosity.

Antonia smiled and replied, "A niffler." Ron's excitement was evident as his eyes widened.

"A niffler? I've always wanted one!" Ron exclaimed, his smile vibrant. Harry couldn't help but feel a sense of relief at Ron's change of heart. However, his relief was quickly replaced by curiosity. He had no idea what a niffler was.

"I heard they can be mischievous, though. Is it well trained?" Ron inquired, his enthusiasm undeterred.

"Of course. I've had him since I was three. His name is Pepin," Antonia explained, causing Ron's face to light up with amusement. "Bringing a niffler to Hogwarts may not be the most practical choice... They have a tendency to explore and hide away... with whatever it is they can get their hands on of course."

"I'm sorry... What exactly is a niffler?" Harry interjected, his curiosity getting the better of him.

Ron's astonishment was evident as he gaped at Harry, "You don't know what a niffler is, Harry?" Harry shrugged awkwardly. "Nifflers are little magical beasts. They have long snouts and fluffy fur. They do have a reputation for stealing of course. They like things that are shiny."

"I would offer to show him to you, but he's finally decided to sleep. He was rather obnoxious all day. I think he was nervous about the move," Antonia said, a hint of fondness in her voice. Ron's grin remained on his face as he peeked through the holes of the carrier.

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