Chapter 5: Hagrid

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 The day had passed quietly after Potions Class. Toni stuck close to Harry and Ron, skillfully avoiding their persistent questions about her tardiness. Eventually, the two friends gave up, but an underlying tension lingered between them.

As their classes came to an end, Toni and Ron followed Harry outside the castle and towards Hagrid's hut, located on the edge of the Forbidden Forest. For Toni, it was the highlight of the day. Harry had spoken so fondly of Hagrid that she couldn't help but be curious to meet him herself. Although she had a brief encounter with Hagrid upon their arrival, it was exciting to witness Harry's enthusiasm for them to get acquainted with the gentle giant.

Upon reaching Hagrid's hut, the trio was greeted warmly by Hagrid, who promptly poured each of them a cup of tea. They engaged in delightful conversations about magical creatures, with Hagrid sharing fascinating stories. Ron and Harry were initially wary of Hagrid's dog, Fang, but Toni felt no fear towards the friendly canine. It quickly became apparent that Fang was a gentle and lovable companion, much like his owner.

Eventually, the topic of potions class arose. Harry mentioned his perception of Snape's animosity towards him, but Hagrid vehemently defended the professor, insisting that Snape harbored no ill will towards his students. Toni managed to avoid scrutiny for her late arrival in class until Ron brought it up, casting a momentary shadow over the otherwise enjoyable gathering.

"What?!" Hagrid bellowed disapprovingly.

"He mentioned her mother and family name in front of the whole class," Harry explained.

Hagrid let out a sigh and shook his head.

"He ain't supposed to do that."

"No professor should do that," Ron chimed in. Hagrid stood up and refilled Toni's tea as she remained silent, looking at Hagrid. She felt a need to speak up, but her voice felt too weak. Perhaps Harry and Ron should be made aware. The two boys looked at her curiously.

"Rothleys are unique witches and wizards, right, Toni?"

"Right-" she started.

"Yeah, but how unique can you be? I mean, no offense, Toni, but most of that stuff is based on family history. They don't have unique abilities or anything," Ron blurted out. Hagrid gave a sly glance towards Toni.

"The eyes," Harry murmured, connecting the dots. Hagrid nodded.

"Them eyes are valuable, I tell ya." Hagrid rose from his seat and walked to a shelf, pulling out an old and decaying book titled "Pure-Blood Legends: Witches and Wizards." "This here's an old textbook I got in my third year, right before I was expelled."

Harry and Ron took the tattered book from Hagrid and began skimming through its pages with curiosity. Harry's eyes frequently wandered over to Toni, who sat quietly by Fang with the steaming tea cup before her. Hagrid shuffled across the room and sat down opposite Toni, glancing at the boys.

"Rothleys have the ability to cast and enhance their magic using just their eyes. It takes a lot of training, mind you," Hagrid explained, adjusting himself in his seat. "Them violet eyes are a sight to behold, but they're mighty dangerous. A force to be reckoned with. Some in the bloodline have even been said to summon an unknown magical force capable of destruction."

"That's incredible!" Ron exclaimed, his eyes wide as he looked at Toni.

"Why only some?" Harry inquired.

Hagrid was about to answer when Toni interjected, "It takes a toll on those who can use it. Many in my bloodline have perished while trying to conjure such magic. It requires years of practice and discipline. They say only the strongest in our bloodline can wield such power. However... it can be perilous for one to possess it."

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