Chapter 14: Christmas Holidays Part One

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 Christmas had finally arrived at Hogwarts, enveloping the castle in a festive atmosphere. Excitement filled the air as students eagerly prepared for their holiday break. Amidst the bustling crowd, Harry, Ron, and Toni found themselves among the few who would be staying at Hogwarts during the vacation.

For Harry, returning home to the Dursleys was an undesirable prospect, prompting him to choose the solitude of the castle instead. Ron, on the other hand, decided against joining his bustling family gathering, knowing it would be overwhelming. He wanted to provide company and support to Harry during their time away from home. Toni, too, had opted to remain at Hogwarts, seeking companionship with her friends but also driven by a personal agenda: uncovering the mysteries concealed beneath the watchful gaze of Hagrid's three-headed dog, Fluffy.

Fortunately, Toni's request to stay was met with her father's approval. He believed it was safer for her to remain within the protective walls of Hogwarts, under the watchful eye of Dumbledore. Although Toni felt a twinge of guilt for leaving her father alone during the holidays, she understood that his responsibilities demanded his attention. Besides, her uncle Wolfe would pay her father a visit, providing him with some company. Toni's bond with Wolfe had grown strong over the years, especially since her mother's passing. He had become a constant presence in her life, particularly since her seventh birthday.

Wolfe was a charismatic and astute individual, always brimming with knowledge beyond anyone's expectations. Unlike her father, he treated Toni as a child rather than a soldier, nurturing a more paternal connection. It was this fatherly affection that led Toni to prefer spending Christmas at Hogwarts with her friends. She yearned for a break from her rigorous training sessions, as her family shared little about the purpose behind them.

The four of them sat together at the Gryffindor table, amidst the dwindling crowd of students preparing for their Christmas departure. As more students hurriedly gathered their belongings, a sense of peace settled over Toni, accompanied by quiet conversations and the indulgence of breakfast. Engaged in conversation with Ron, Harry, and Hermione, she relished the tranquil atmosphere, only interrupted by Draco's final glances and spiteful comments aimed at Harry.

Draco had been particularly insufferable since the Quidditch match, showing a cruelty that displeased Toni greatly. Although she had managed to reconcile her differences with him, his continued mistreatment of her friends, particularly Harry, weighed heavily on her mind. She yearned to confront him about his jealousy, but her thoughts were clouded, unable to focus on Draco's obvious insecurities. Despite her silence, Toni took pleasure in being the only one who truly saw through his mean-spirited facade.

Hermione, eager to continue her search for information on Nicolas Flamel, was leaving for the holidays. Earlier that morning, she had dragged them to the library, desperate to find any mention of Flamel. Unfortunately, their efforts had been in vain, as no books yielded any results. Toni couldn't recall any conversations with her father that involved Flamel either. At that moment, the search seemed futile.

"You'll continue looking while I'm away, won't you?" Hermione pleaded. "There must be something. Send me an owl if you find anything."

"Yeah, we'll try," Ron replied, though the defeat weighed heavily on Hermione's expression.

"Well, I should go now. I don't want to miss the train, and the carriages are about to take the students to the station," Hermione announced, gathering her bags and rising from the table. "Merry Christmas."

Toni watched as Hermione exited the Great Hall, her thoughts drifting back to Nicolas Flamel. She contemplated asking Dumbledore herself, recalling the time she had spent assisting him with letters during flying classes. Their conversations often touched upon Hogwarts history, but whenever she attempted to broach the subject of her ancestor, Lucius Rothley, Dumbledore always seemed to divert the discussion. She wondered if he would dismiss Nicolas Flamel just as quickly. Lost in her thoughts beside Ron and Harry's constant chatter, Toni felt a light touch on her head. She turned, curious as to what had struck her, only to find a small folded paper.

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