Chapter 4: The Rothley Tradition

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A week had passed since the Sorting Ceremony, and the First Year students were gradually settling into their respective Houses and adjusting to life at Hogwarts. The grand feasts in the Great Hall never failed to impress, with platters overflowing with delicious food that seemed to magically replenish themselves. The enchanting classes captivated their minds, as they delved into the mysteries of potions, transfiguration, charms, and more. The presence of ghosts and animated portraits added an extra layer of wonder to their daily experiences, as they marveled at the spectral apparitions and engaged in conversations with the living portraits.

For the new first years, the ghosts and portraits were particularly intriguing. They would often gather around the talking portraits, listening to their tales of Hogwarts history and seeking advice on navigating the castle's secret passages. The mischievous Peeves, the poltergeist, provided endless entertainment with his pranks and antics, leaving the students in stitches of laughter.

As the days passed, friendships began to bloom within the Houses. Students formed study groups, explored the castle together, and supported each other during their magical endeavors. The older students, known as prefects and house leaders, offered guidance and mentorship to the younger ones, ensuring their smooth transition into Hogwarts life.

With each passing day, the First Year students grew more comfortable in their Hogwarts routine. They eagerly awaited the next adventure, eager to uncover the secrets and wonders that Hogwarts had to offer.

On the first Friday morning of the school year, Toni sat at the Gryffindor table in the bustling Great Hall. Engrossed in her Potions textbook, she absently picked at her breakfast, preparing for her upcoming class. Students from various houses and age groups filled the hall, creating a lively atmosphere.

Since her arrival at Hogwarts, Toni had formed a close bond with Ron, Harry, and Hermione. They had been sorted into Gryffindor together, which filled her with immense joy. Coming from a family that prioritized magical education over friendships, Toni had never had many companions. Hogwarts offered her a unique opportunity to break free from her family's rules and embrace the chance to make meaningful connections.

As Toni lifted her gaze from the textbook, her attention was drawn to Draco Malfoy making his way to the Slytherin table accompanied by his loyal sidekicks, Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle. She couldn't help but roll her eyes at their unquestioning obedience to Draco's every whim. They seemed devoid of any independent thought. Shaking her head in mild exasperation, Toni let out a sigh before redirecting her focus back to her Potions textbook.

Before long, her concentration was abruptly shattered by a familiar voice. "There you are!"

Toni glanced up to find Ron and Harry approaching her. Harry took a seat beside her, while Ron occupied the seat across from them. Closing her textbook, Toni met their gazes with a curious expression, wondering what had prompted their sudden arrival.

"You're late for breakfast," Toni remarked, her tone playfully scolding. Ron leaned over the table with exaggerated haste, snatching a muffin from the plate in the center and devouring it in one swift motion.

"We slept in," Harry grumbled in response.

"Been up all night cramming for Potions class. I heard Snape is an absolute nightmare," Ron chimed in, his mouth still full of the blueberry muffin. Toni's brow rose.

"It's our first potions class. Surely Snape will be lenient," Toni said optimistically, trying to brush off Ron's skepticism. Ron scoffed at her comment.

"Did you not see the way he was glaring at Harry on the first day? I swear, Harry, the man had evil in his eyes," Ron said, his voice filled with concern. Harry rubbed his forehead, trying to dismiss the memory.

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