Chapter 11: Rubbish Potions

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 Hogwarts was buzzing with anticipation for the upcoming Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Slytherin. The students, from all years, were brimming with excitement, making the day's classes feel particularly long. Everyone was eager to wrap up their lessons and prepare for the thrilling game.

Ron and Harry were especially caught up in the thrill. For Harry, it would be his first Quidditch match as the new Gryffindor seeker. Hermione shared in their enthusiasm as well. The four Gryffindors sat together at their potions class, their voices hushed in an attempt to keep their conversation hidden from Snape's sharp ears. However, Toni had little to contribute to the discussion. An awkward silence had settled between them, still stemming from Toni's reluctance to share the events of the Halloween Feast. They included her in some conversation, but the usual enthusiasm was lacking. Toni understood that she was to blame for this rift.

Despite the peculiar atmosphere, Toni didn't feel as lonely as she had in the past. Her conversation with Draco had lifted her spirits. She had intended to discuss the events of that night with Harry and the others, but she decided to wait until after Harry's Quidditch match. The mystery surrounding the three-headed dog still lingered in their minds, and they would often find themselves discussing it whenever they had the chance. Toni and Ron had even talked about Toni's dream, which initially met with skepticism from Harry. However, Hermione was able to provide answers to the questions Toni couldn't explain. It was a relief for Toni not to stumble over her words, trying to make sense of her experiences.

Today, however, their focus was not on the great mystery but on celebrating Harry's match. Toni had prepared something special for him in her own private time—a banner with Harry's name adorned with beautiful scarlet colors and golden borders. It was her unspoken apology for not revealing the truth about that Halloween night. She hoped it would please Harry and that she could explain everything after the game. For now, she accepted the lingering tension between the four of them, tinged with unease.

During their conversations, Toni noticed Harry's gaze wandering elsewhere. Though he was initially immersed in the excitement of the upcoming match, his attention seemed to shift. Toni instinctively followed his gaze to Snape, who was moving away from the table where Draco and his Slytherin friends sat. But she noticed an odd limp in Snape's step, as if he were injured. Her brow furrowed, and she looked back at Harry, who soon met her gaze.

"Did you see that?" Harry whispered, his voice filled with intrigue. Toni nodded, silently acknowledging that she had noticed it too. "I went to retrieve my confiscated book, and I heard Snape talking to Filch about the three-headed dog."

Toni's eyes widened, while Ron and Hermione remained silent, already privy to this information. "He spoke about it?"

"Only briefly, before he spotted me," Harry replied. Toni's gaze darted back to Snape, her mind flooded with questions. "I think Snape is trying to get to whatever is under that trap door," Harry continued, his voice filled with conviction. "And I also believe he was the one who let the troll into Hogwarts."

"I don't think he did," Toni confidently interjected, her words met with puzzled looks from the others.

"It must have been him. Snape is up to something," Ron insisted.

"No, I'm telling you, it wasn't him. Listen—" Toni began to explain, but before she could finish, Snape's voice cut through the air.

"Miss Rothley," Snape's cold voice rang out, causing the four of them to fall silent. He loomed over them like a shadow. "Considering your last potion disaster, I would expect you to be more inclined to ensure this one turns out properly. You can save your conversations with your friends for another time. Or perhaps you'd prefer to catch up during detention."

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