Chapter 20: The Safety of the Stone

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 Toni sat in the common room with Hermione, Ron, and Harry, but she kept much of her detention experience to herself. In fact, she lied to them, claiming that she was asked to compile a comprehensive list of all the potions they had learned so far, along with their ingredients and instructions. The last thing she wanted to reveal was Snape's involvement in her family feud. While her friends had some knowledge of the turmoil surrounding her family, she felt it was best to spare them the full details and prevent unnecessary worry.

Besides, the story Harry had shared about his adventure in the Forbidden Forest and encountering Voldemort only intensified the mystery surrounding Snape. Harry believed that Snape wanted to obtain the Philosopher's Stone for Voldemort, the very man who had given him his scar. The entire situation seemed intricate and difficult to accept. Toni's doubts about Snape had only grown after her recent detention with him.

Yet, she couldn't ignore the lingering possibility. She had no concrete evidence of Snape's innocence, while her friends seemed to have accumulated more convincing evidence suggesting his guilt. Despite her reservations, she nodded and remained silent as Harry, Ron, and Hermione delved into a deep conversation about the connections she had grown wary of.

As the night drew to a close, their minds remained filled with wonder as they nestled into the comforting embrace of their beds. However, Toni's head throbbed, and the prospect of sleep eluded her. Late into the night, she pondered heavily on everything she had learned and heard. Nothing seemed to make sense anymore, and the confusion overwhelmed her. It was evident that the truth would eventually need to be revealed, even if it meant acknowledging that she or the others had been mistaken. The weight of this realization settled upon her, and sleep remained a distant notion.


The final exams had finally concluded, bringing a wave of relief to Toni, Ron, Hermione, and Harry. However, their suffering was far from over. Conversations about the Forbidden Forest, Voldemort, Snape, and the Philosopher's Stone continued to linger among them. The only solace they found was in the presence of Dumbledore, the wizard Voldemort truly feared. While Ron and Hermione found comfort in this, Toni and Harry shared lingering doubts and worries.

Toni couldn't help but notice Harry's constant hand on his scar, the pained expression on his face. Hermione persistently urged him to see Madam Pomfrey, but Toni knew it wouldn't provide much relief. The scar was a mark left by Voldemort, a connection that bound them for life, and Harry had felt its burning and itching since their encounter.

After dinner, as they were leaving the Great Hall, Harry suddenly stopped and rubbed his scar, his face turning pale. "We need to go see Hagrid," he declared.

"Hagrid?" Ron questioned, confused.

"Come on!" Harry urged, abruptly changing direction and leading the group out of the building.

"What's going on?" Toni asked, perplexed.

"Don't you find it strange?" Harry asked, his voice tinged with concern. They exchanged puzzled glances. "Hagrid has always wanted a dragon egg, and now a stranger conveniently has one in his pocket? That's against wizard law. How many people casually carry dragon eggs around?"

"I don't understand," Ron admitted.

Ignoring Ron's confusion, Harry quickened his pace, with the others rushing to keep up, as they headed towards Hagrid's hut.

When they arrived, Harry pushed the door open without knocking, and they all entered. Inside, Hagrid sat with a drink, his face flushed and clearly inebriated. His gaze drifted up and he looked at them with a puzzled expression. "Harry?" he slurred. "Ron? Hermione? Antonia? What brings you all here?"

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