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 Four weeks had swiftly passed into summer, devoid of books, assignments, late-night adventures, or mysteries lurking within the grand halls of the castle.

However, adventure was far from out of reach, especially for Miss Antonia Rothley. The past two weeks had been filled with intense training, focusing primarily on the dream state, a realm in which the Rothley blood was particularly attuned. Toni had dedicated considerable time to honing her skills, working closely with her father. Occasionally, when her father was unaware, she would even experiment with brewing the Draught of Dreams during his visits to the Ministry.

On a calm and warm Thursday morning, Toni had just finished brewing a pot of tea, a ritual she and her father shared in their serene home garden. It was her favorite morning of the week, a small gift from McGonagall, who had emphasized the importance of Toni experiencing a normal childhood. Her father had designated Thursdays as her free day, and although it may not seem like much, it had become a cherished time for them to bond without the weight of family matters, old grudges, or the impending blood war.

Instead, they would engage in lighthearted conversations, often discussing tales from her father's work or sharing stories from Toni's letters received from her friends. Harry, however, proved to be more elusive to reach. Nevertheless, her father had casually mentioned the idea of inviting Harry to stay with them for a summer in the future, a notion he had entertained after one too many drinks. Toni planned to relive the subject later, sensing that Harry would love the idea, especially if her uncle was home to join them on an adventure. The thought of having a friend by her side filled her with excitement.

At the start of the summer, Toni had been plagued by the mystery of her missing ring from Draco. She had thoroughly searched her belongings upon returning home, even scouring her dormitory and common room before departing on the Hogwarts Express. However, her search had yielded no results. Eventually, she decided to set the issue aside, relegating it to the back of her mind, knowing she would have to address it when the new school year commenced, assuming she and Draco had any interactions during their second year.

As the water in the pot began to reach a boiling point, emitting a high-pitched whistle, Toni promptly removed it from the heat source. She skillfully prepared the tea, arranging everything neatly on a tray alongside cups, cream, milk, sugar, honey, and a few biscuits. Carrying the tray, she ventured out through the French doors of the kitchen and followed the stone path leading to the gazebo that overlooked their sprawling property.

The aroma of flowers enveloped her senses, and the gentle hum of honey bees and fluttering butterflies filled the air, stirring a comforting warmth within her. She and her father had cultivated the garden since she was five years old, using it as an escape from the loss of her mother and an attempt to forge a deeper connection. However, they had never truly utilized it until this summer. It seemed as though their relationship was blossoming each day, their bond strengthening alongside Toni's growing abilities.

Toni sought refuge in the shade of the gazebo, carefully setting the tray on the garden table next to her father, who was engrossed in his book. His sunglasses rested on his knee, and she swiftly made her way around to pour him a cup of tea before filling her own. Seated in the chair opposite him, she gazed out into the warm sun, feeling a sense of tranquility.

"Thank you," her father expressed gratitude as he set his book aside and took a sip of his tea. A sigh of contentment escaped him, and he turned to look at Toni. "It's a beautiful morning today. It's a shame Uncle Wolfe couldn't join us this summer."

"Where is he again?" she inquired, her curiosity piqued.

"He had to go to America. They requested his assistance with a certain criminal who had been meddling with magic, using spells on innocent Muggles," he explained. Toni nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation.

"I wish I could see America," she mused. Her father smiled warmly at her. "What? You and Uncle Wolfe have been there many times. I'd love to experience it myself."

"Perhaps when you're older. For now, focus on your studies and make the most of your time here," he advised, his brow arched playfully. Toni chuckled, taking a sip of her tea. Then a thought crossed her mind

"I never asked before, but did you speak with Draco at all?" she asked, her voice tinged with curiosity.

Toni's father peered at her strangely, his expression leaving her feeling apprehensive. She swallowed nervously. "N-No. He hasn't said a word to me."

"Is that so?" he inquired, his tone not angry but stern. Toni nodded, her father sighing deeply as he reached into his pocket. He fumbled with something in his hands before holding it up for her to see. In his palm lay Draco's ring, suspended on a long string. "Then where could you have obtained the Malfoy heirloom?"

Toni's heart raced, her mind searching for an explanation.

"I-I..." she stammered, her voice trembling.

"I would advise you to speak truthfully, Antonia. I don't want to catch you in another lie," he stated, his tone unwavering.

"Draco... gifted it to me. For Christmas," she admitted, her voice laced with nervousness. Her father regarded the ring, dangling it before his eyes.

"Draco gave you the Malfoy heirloom," he muttered, his gaze distant. After a moment of silence, he burst into laughter.

"What's so funny?" Toni questioned, puzzled by his sudden mirth.

"If only I could see the expression on Lucius' face if he knew," her father said, amusement evident in his voice. Toni remained still, unable to comprehend his words. "It belonged to Draco's grandmother, who received it from his grandfather. Then it passed to Lucius, who was meant to give it to Narcissa. However, she rarely wore it, preferring her newer possessions. They decided it would be Draco who would pass it on to the woman he would marry someday. They told him to give it to someone..."

"Someone worthy," Toni finished, her eyes meeting her father's. He grinned at her, amusement dancing in his gaze.

"Yes, someone worthy," he repeated, sighing as he handed the ring to her. Toni hesitated for a moment before accepting it from her father, her fingers tracing the snake motif intertwined with the emerald."Before everything happened, Lucius and I used to discuss the possibility of the two of you getting married someday. In fact, we were quite excited about it."

Toni sat there in silence, finding the notion of marriage a little overwhelming. The idea of growing up, in general, hadn't crossed her mind beyond her magical potential. Yet, her father's voice seemed softer than usual, drawing her into contemplation.

"Do you miss Lucius?" she asked, her voice gentle. Her father fell silent for a moment, his expression revealing the pain beneath.

"I question it every day," he responded honestly. "But then I remind myself that Lucius was always more ambitious than the rest of us. He always wanted to be at the pinnacle of power. Loyalty and friendship aside, my father is far more influential than me. Lucius wasn't foolish in his decision, considering that."

"I think he was," Toni stated firmly. Her father glanced at her, surprise flickering across his face. "Your father may be the most powerful wizard at the moment, but someone stronger will emerge. When that happens, Lucius will realize his mistake."

"I doubt it," he replied, his voice tinged with resignation. "But it doesn't matter now."

Toni gazed at the ring once more, contemplating its significance. "So... can I keep this?"

"Only if you want to," he responded, a smile gracing his features. Toni took a moment before placing it back around her neck, her father's grin widening. "Perhaps Draco won't be trapped in his father's shadow after all."

"What do you mean?" she asked, intrigued by his enigmatic statement.

"If Draco gave you that ring, he's already defying the expectations set by his family," her father explained. He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "I've always had a fondness for Draco. Let's hope that ring holds as much meaning for him as it did for those who wore it before."

Toni absorbed her father's words, contemplating the weight of expectations and the choices that lie ahead.

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