Chapter 2- When The Odd Ends Collide

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^Audio for chapter 2^

I walked, then my walking became faster and faster, until I was running. I ran all the way to the bridge of the hideout. Once I got there and caught my breath, I climbed up to the top of the bridge and watched the clouds slowly move across the sky. So many thoughts were running through my head, I couldn't focus on just one. Who could've done this? Why did they have to take Ansley? Did we know this person, or is it a complete stranger? What if she's already dead? That last thought stopped me in all my tracks.

     I sat on the bridge with a blank stare. I couldn't believe I had even thought of anything related to that, "It's too soon to assume something like that." I said aloud to myself. I looked up from the sky and then down to the ocean. I hated the ocean, but the faint sounds of the water and waves crashing made it calming for me. The more I stared at the ocean, the more I began to lose myself. It was like an abyss I couldn't escape from, even though I was never in it.

     Different thoughts circled my head, it was about many things, not just Ansley. Thoughts were now overlapping through my head, and the ringing in my ears wouldn't stop. I became so overwhelmed I screamed, as loud as I could. It was so loud I could hear the echo of it from across the water. Shortly after my echoed scream stopped, I heard my phone ringing. It was my mom, "Is she calling to tell me about Ansley?" I thought to myself before answering it. "Hello?" I answered, my voice was hush, and though I barely spoke my throat felt dry. "Cecily Rose Alexander, where on earth are you?!" My mom asked with a shaky panic in her tone, "The school called and said you ran off while the teacher was speaking to you in passing period. Come home now, please. " When she said please I could hear the desperation in her voice, I couldn't talk back or argue, I just said yes. "Okay mom, I'm on my way home now." She said okay and I hung up the phone and headed home, where I was greeted by my mother on the couch and Ansley's mother and father sitting on the couch across from her.

     When they heard me shut the door after walking in, they jumped slightly and looked up at me. The immediate emotion was worry. I didn't want to believe the truth but seeing Ansley's parents sitting across from my mother, and their saddened and broken faces, made me grow the same sadness and worry they all felt. I didn't want to worry anyone else more so I kept my face straight and hid my emotions for now.

     I made my way to the couch, and as soon as I sat down, Ansley's mom began talking, "How are you Cecily? I know this is a tough time for all of us, but I just need to know how you're feeling right now." "I'm fine." I said with no expression, almost cutting Ansley's mom off from speaking. Thinking straight wasn't the easiest thing for me right now, having what mom said about dad, and now having to think about all the possibilities of what happened to Ansley made things even worse. Losing my best friend in general just made me think of what I would do, of course I had Abby and Lynn but even they would feel a huge hole missing, just like I do.

     Once again, I was so deep in thought I didn't feel any of the tears that had fell down my cheeks. When I went back to focus and snap out of my thoughts, I saw my mom and Ansley's parents looking up at me with concern. I couldn't hold it in anymore, as much as I didn't want to now, I knew it would be better if I just let it all go now, so I did. I was holding all types of emotions all week, I figured it was time to just relieve most of them. I cried as my mom quickly reacted and held me in her arms. About an hour went by, during that hour all four of us ended up comforting each other, knowing deep down that it's probably what we needed.

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