Road to Sivayas, Custocedar Tree

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The air grew colder as night settled in, enveloping us in its icy grip. The Custoscedar tree towered above us, its gnarled branches stretching above us with leaves covering the sky yet with tiny gaps big enough to let some view of it seep through. 

The heater's radiant heat provided a much-needed respite from the bone-chilling cold that permeated the night. Its warmth seeped into our weary bodies, thawing the numbness and fatigue that had settled within our bones. We sat in silence, our eyes fixed on the dancing flames, finding comfort in the crackling symphony that filled the air.

In the shelter of the Custoscedar's protective embrace, we found temporary refuge from the harsh realities of our nomadic existence. As we sat in quiet contemplation, the crackling of the flames intertwined with the gentle breeze, creating a symphony of sound that serenaded our tired souls.

As the evening went on this way, I caught myself staring at her empty minded. I was fortunate to have noticed before she did, but the situation made me more aware that I am not travelling alone. Although, it made me curious, "Why did you choose to be a Nomad Courier? You could be doing anything else."

Ash looked up and into my eyes, slightly surprised to hear me talk. I guess she's also not used to having someone to travel with, forgetting my existence during this. "Hm?" She leaned back, settling into a more comfortable position.

I continued in a thoughtful tone, worried to say the wrong thing. "You have a family back in Nepang Island... You could easily have chosen any other career that is safer while also staying close to your family. The pay isn't exactly amazing either."

Ash let out a soft sigh, her gaze turning introspective. "Ah, that," she began, her voice carrying a tinge of nostalgia. "Well, the idea of travel had always eluded me. Maybe it was because I spent most of my early life staying in the underground cities, but I had always wondered what the sky had looked like. Ever since I saw the night sky, I grew... attached to it, in a way. I wanted as much excuse to stay on the surface as I can have, exploring new landscapes and environments, feeling the wind blow my face as I ride my bike."

Zach's brow furrowed slightly, concern evident in his eyes. "Don't you miss or love your family? And wouldn't they also love and miss you?"

A tender smirk curved the corner of Ash's lips as she spoke.  "Of course, to all of that," she replied. "Though Jack... my husband, he understands my wanderlust the most. And hey, he even has passions of his own that he attends to. He is one of the primary researchers looking for a way to connect communications between the cities. And I know he will succeed soon enough. His friend died at a young age, and he never found out until years after it. He never wants anyone else to experience the same thing... And I love him for that, his kindness, his hopefulness, his passion for his own work. It's what you need in this day and age where innovations are rapidly being made for the sake of humanity."

She turned the question towards me, her inquisitive gaze met mine. "What about you? Why don't you stay with your family?" she asked, genuine curiosity lacing her words.

My heart flickered with a mix of emotions, hesitating for a moment. I wanted to open up, to share the depths of my solitude for the first time ever, but the fear of judgment held me back. "I..." I faltered, my voice trailing off. Unable to find the words, I simply settled for a guarded response. "I don't want to talk about it,"

With what was said, I see her nod understandably, before sighing and getting up to her feet. "Well, it's time to get some sleep don't you think?"

She approached her bike and pulls out something that seems folded. Halfway unfolding it, I realise that it was a portable bed that Horizon must have provided to their employees. She prepared the bed, lying down on it which keeps her away from the parasitic grass. "Take a good rest, we still have some distant go tomorrow." She said, turning to a more comfortable situation facing away from me.

As she lay on the bed, I sat there silently, some thoughts still going through my mind, but I was too hesitant to speak it out. Should I even risk telling her? She's not going to remember or care anyways, but isn't that more reason to let it out? Well, at this point, she's most likely already asleep... 

"I..." a short sigh escapes my lips, "I'm sure my family is doing alright without me, they're capable of caring for themselves."

 My body shifted uncomfortably, my gaze fixed on the sky above, the empty dark sky "This job is just a way to fill my life with some sort of activity, but it affects my life at home in no meaningful ways, I barely interact with them anyways. "

My view gently drops back down onto Ash, as I slowly get up on my feet. "You have been the first."

Her silence made it obvious, it doesn't take a genius to realise that I have been talking to myself this entire time. I watched as Ash slumbered peacefully, a slight frown tugging at the corners of my lips. The chill in the air was seeping into my bones, and I couldn't help but notice that her jacket, while stylish and high quality, didn't provide much warmth on a cold night. It was more focused on aerodynamics than insulation.

I reached my hand into one of my pockets, pausing as my fingers were already touching the folded blanket. The blanket was for me to protect myself from the gold grass, although not foolproof, it was better than lying directly on the grass. For a moment, I tried to figure out if it was a good idea, but immediately pushed out those selfish thoughts. Unfolding it carefully, I draped it over Ash's form, tucking it around her shoulders with care.

With that settled, I went back to my side of the heater, lying directly on the grass, albeit a weaker variant due to the Custicedar Tree. For a short moment, I took one last glance at the resting woman with dark hair. It was nice, knowing that I'm not alone this time. As I closed my eyes, the soft hum of my breath intermingled with the silent night.

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