Departure from Sivayas Archipelago

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It was indicated that it was early in the morning on the surface, but you could hardly tell from the surroundings in the underground city. Standing on a platform elevator alongside three other nomad couriers, our silhouettes stretch against the metallic floor. The platform itself was a massive metal structure, held up by the mechanism pressed against the metal beams that vanishes into the gloom above.

For a brief moment, my hands explored every strap and lock of my equipment, making sure everything was ready and secure for the trip. The cargo they had given for delivery was seemingly indifferent, if not it is a bit lighter than the usual loads I had to carry. Perhaps it's because this delivery is made with 4 couriers in mind.

As I looked over to the others, I saw Josh and Kath were conversing with each other, while Ash... She was standing by herself, leaning towards the safety rails with her elbows supporting her. She was silent and still, blankly staring into the city view, completely out of character compared to the person I met back at Nepang. Hardly can I even tell if it was guilt.

Yet, when Kath had approached her and talked to her, her mood seemed to change in a heartbeat, giving a welcoming smile while responding accordingly to her. The abrupt change wasn't noticeable unless you were paying attention to her before.

As we had awaited, The elevator jerked to life with a metallic groan, and as it began its ascent, the first rays of dawn pierced through the cracks in the rocky ceiling. The view of the underground city slowly receded beneath us, descending into shadow.

Placing my hand onto my coat, I was just reminded that there were free spaces and extra pockets thanks to the trench coat I had just bought. Without having anything to store in them for the moment, I decided to use the bottom ones as an extra layer of heat insulation. 

The platform trembles as it halts at its maximum height, reaching the surface as expected. Alongside were 4 Speedcycles, placed on the surface awaiting us even before we got here. They are really investing in this operation to provide these.

Being placed side by side really put one of them into perspective while the other 3 were identical. During my career in Clockworks, I never had that much of a chance to see a Speedcycle in person. It was until now I see how modified the one I had ridden was. While the 3 were more leaning towards silver, the one speedcycle was void black, the windshield was also extended and more sleek, even the body was sharper.

From the modifications alone, you could tell it was used often with how heavily personalised it was. 

Knowing which one to avoid, I approached the row of speedcycles as the others followed. Throwing my leg across the seat, I let the bike take the burden of my cargo weight. Before anything, I pick up the helmet that was placed on one of the handles which automatically turns the cycle on. The lights of the panel on the steering flicker on to my command, the engine letting out a high humming for a short moment before resting on a low hum.

I looked out into the distance in the direction we are heading, checking the terrain we are about to face. However, the sun hung low on the north horizon, casting long, angular shadows and blinding me. Manually, I had to pull down the visor from the top of the helmet, semi covering the sunlight.

As I gazed upon the landscape, I see the surface is covered with a sea of golden grass. Each blade of grass passively intertwining and untangling between each other. In the distance beyond the field, a forest of trees stood competing against the grass. Their leaves being a shade of purple, bathed in the warm, early morning sunlight, the trees cast long, intricate shadows that stretched onto the field of gold.

When my sight landed back to the others, I witnessed the two slightly struggle onto their seats, the weight of the parcels hindering their movement as well as their experience with a speedcycle being rusty. It's no surprise that the one with a personalised speedcycle flawlessly handled hers, she was already on with her helmet on before I even looked.

 With their cycle lighting up to life, they put on the provided helmet, which suddenly began to crackle a static-like sound into our ears. Shortly after the static clears, it was followed by the voice of Sekiyo. 

"We have slightly modified your helmets by adding a short ranged communication device," She says with a slight distortion from the device, "This in no way allows us to talk to you along the way, but it does let the 4 of you communicate with one another while moving in relatively high speed. Good luck with your journey."

There was a short pause which indicated that was the end of her message, but she briefly continued, "Oh, and there's someone who wants to say a few words too."

Her voice was quickly replaced by a woman and a man, Craig and Jojo, 

"We wish you the best of luck,"

"The future of human discovery lies on the 4 of you!"

The transmission ends there, leaving us to hear only each other. The high pitched tone of a female voice, Kath I believe, speaks into the comms. "So are we ready-"

Before she finished her words, Ash had wasted no time as the wheel of her raven speedcycle spun in a whirl of dust and gravel, shooting her forward and leaving a cloud of particles in her wake. With only a second had passed, the distance between us had already grown a decent amount, as she spoke into her helmet.

"Are you guys waiting for a departure ceremony? Come on, we can talk on the move,"

With her words, I revved up my speedcycle and accelerated to catch up with her while Josh and Kath flanked me. Our speedcycles tore through the golden grass, leaving trails of swirling dust and crushed blades.

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