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The void echoed with a profound silence, a canvas where time itself remained an untold tale yet to unfold. In the beginning, there was nothing at all, no stars to sprinkle the cosmic tapestry, no planets to dance in celestial choreography, and no light to pierce the shadowy vastness.


No sound reverberated, no matter stirred, and no force held sway over the infinite expanse. It was a realm untouched by the hands of existence. The concept of Time made no sense in this environment, as intangible as it may be.

ONE... FIVE... NINE... TWO...

In the cosmic theatre of emergence, a kaleidoscope of unimaginable energies coalesced, birthing an explosion that shattered the silence. The once-empty canvas of the void trembled as the symphony of creation resonated through the cosmos, manifesting time and space in intricate, swirling patterns, circles that encapsulated the essence of existence.

Yet, the vibrant circles of time and space, though mesmerizing, carried a subtle discord, as if a crucial note in the cosmic melody had been misplaced. The grandeur of creation unfolded, and galaxies spun into existence, but a lingering feeling persisted, it was incomplete somehow.


I found myself in between all of it, both the creation, and what came before. I feel the difference, as if I was part of the creation itself. Alongside it, I could also feel that certain emptiness, an incompleteness. I could travel the the infinite expense, but I know I would never find the missing piece to complete this existence.

Amidst my aimless drifting, a colossal object emerges. A solid white visage that eclipses the swirling circles of time and space. It pushes aside the swirls and spirals of time and space through the void.

Devoid of eyes in the hollow sockets, the colossal face stands in silence, an enigma etched against the cosmic tableau. It exudes an otherworldly aura, the absence of eyes doesn't hinder its ability to fixate upon me. The silent gaze of the white face bears a weight that transcends the cosmic spectacle, hinting at a significance that eludes my conscious mind.

𝐿̥̊⃝   𝑇̥̊⃝𝐼̥̊⃝𝐹̥̊⃝   𝐷̥̊⃝𝑋̥̊⃝𝑊̥̊⃝

Without opening it's still and solid lips, it spoke to me, directly into my mind. Words, not spoken phonetically, but etched in burning characters, sear into my thoughts. The symbols imprint themselves upon the canvas of my mind. However, I couldn't understand a single thing.

𝑈̥̊⃝𝐹̥̊⃝𝑋̥̊⃝𝑉̥̊⃝𝑊̥̊⃝𝑊̥̊⃝   𝑉̥̊⃝𝐼̥̊⃝   𝐷̥̊⃝𝑅̥̊⃝𝑃̥̊⃝𝑍̥̊⃝   𝐾̥̊⃝𝐿̥̊⃝𝑃̥̊⃝𝐿̥̊⃝𝐿̥̊⃝𝑄̥̊⃝𝑄̥̊⃝𝑅̥̊⃝𝐴̥̊⃝

Despite seeming emotionless, still as the void around it, I felt some sort of cold resentment it feels. It was blaming me for something, something that I was not even aware of.

𝑅̥̊⃝𝑂̥̊⃝𝐼̥̊⃝   𝑃̥̊⃝𝐾̥̊⃝   𝐶̥̊⃝𝐽̥̊⃝𝑌̥̊⃝   𝑋̥̊⃝𝐷̥̊⃝𝑅̥̊⃝𝑄̥̊⃝-̥̊⃝

The face pauses, processing a thought silently before changing its speech into something I could comprehend.



The lips stayed closed the entire time, but the entire face moved upward and revealed an immense, gaping jaw beneath its chin, bristling with sharp teeth. A maw of cosmic proportions, voraciously consuming the spirals of time and space that surround me. The edges of reality blur as the gaping maw draws closer, an abyss devouring all.




An involuntary jolt courses through my body, my eyes opening to see that I am still in the truck. My arms crossed and my head hanging down before I had woken up. It didn't seem that the others actually noticed me snoozing off, or perhaps they just didn't care at all, it made me wonder how long I had actually been asleep. Why did I even fall asleep so easily, did I not get enough rest last night?

Did I even... sleep last night? I'm still not sure what to make off with what I barely remember.

"Look!" Kath suddenly spoke out, pointing towards something behind me. Everyone turned to where she was pointing. Its vast form, resembling a hovering cloth, unfolded across the horizon. The gentle waves of its fabric-like body span across the fields.

"A Leviphotosynthia," Void commented, stating the book name of the creature.

"Years of travelling, this is only the second time I've ever seen a Skyweave in the wild like this." Ash mentions her personal experience, making me turn to her. She was looking at the creature far in the distance with a proud smirk on her face.

Turning back to the Skyweave, I took the rare opportunity to admire the creature I had only read about. The Skyweave seemed to float effortlessly, suspended about ten feet above the ground. Its dimensions, almost a mile wide, defied the usual expectations of the size limit of the living. The fabric-like structure billowed with a delicate grace, catching the sunlight in intricate patterns.

It's known as being one of the few things that is able to prey on the gold parasitic grass, slowly stealing the nutrition and water by hovering above the field. A master of passive sustenance, gleaned the rest of its energy from the sun through photosynthesis, it's marvelling how elegant it's maintaining its synergy with the surrounding plant life. 

The truck moved steadily, and with each passing moment, the colossal enigmatic creature grew smaller and smaller. Just like it, we all have our own life to live, our own journey to whatever drives us forward.

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