Nepang Island Arrival

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The time-cursed droplets continued to rain down from the sky, uncaring for the event that occurred under it. The body of the creature lay limp at the same place it was killed, shot by the biker I met earlier today with a single use RXimploder. Now I rest on the floor of the cave, checking the injuries I endured from jumping down from such height of the cliff.

It wasn't exactly obvious on the surface, but there was an ongoing sharp pain I felt clearly meant something was messed up internally. Might not make it exactly in time now, after being pushed back as well as my leg being unable to go to its full capacity. Sighing through my nose, I looked out of the cave to wait for the storm to clear, slightly tempted to just run through it.

A set of footsteps began to approach me from the back, the sound of rustling gravel scraping against the mineral floor making it obvious. As the sound finally reached my side, the biker takes off her jacket and drops it on the ground, sitting alongside me without a word. For some time, the two of us stared out of the cave silently, waiting for a clear sky to continue our journey.

There were things that I wanted to say, thanking her for preventing my death, but it didn't seem suitable to speak, as we had not exchanged a single word.

"Clockwork?" The biker spoke in a soft tone while still facing the outside with her raven hair gently moving with the flow of the wind.

I simply nodded in response, unknown if she could see it or not. In return to her referring to the organisation I work for, I returned the favour and stated hers, "Horizon."

"You people don't have the best of reputation in the nomad courier industry." She said bluntly, the intention of her words being a mystery.

"I am aware." My response was blunt yet neutral. 

"How were you able to react to the storm so quickly anyways? Even my cycle couldn't keep up." She questioned how quickly I took action when the storm approached.

I hesitated on answering honestly, knowing that I would only be doubted for how odd it was going to sound. "I could... sense the incoming storm."

She paused, not responding to my answer. It's likely that she believed I was deranged on some level to say something as absurd as that.

The silence slowly began to set in once more, the sound of the rain drowning my senses. Before it could happen entirely, I still had to relay the appreciation. "Thank you."

I wanted to say more, but before I could continue, she shook her head at my gratitude. "You, and any other person would have done the same. That's what the RXimploder made for anyways."

"You owe me a new one though."




The storm finally clears after 10 precious minutes, and the chances of me reaching in time become 0. Even getting off the ground, I couldn't help but groan under my breath from the pain my legs were feeling. On the other hand, the horizon woman was ready to go with her jacket and helmet on.

She ignites the engine of the speed cycle, revving it a bit to warm the bike's systems. She loads the cargoes onto the side of the bike, getting on it right after doing so. I struggled with my injury even to the point of depending on the cave walls to get out of it, my right leg limping from the pain. 

I soon noticed the biker was staring right at me under the visor of her helmet. I couldn't help but feel irritated and embarrassed, not wanting to be pitied just for the situation I was dealing with. With one hand on the handle, she used her other hand to pull on a latch which released the visor up, revealing her face. "In that condition, you won't even make it before a blizzard hits."

I looked down at my injured leg, feeling pain as it tries to hold me up. She was right, and I was aware of it, but I still can't be sure of her intention. "Just get on, take it as a... emergency service."

With her offer to basically get me to my destination in time, and the situation of my leg, I had no other choice but to accept it. I sighed to the fact that I was being pitied, perhaps even scammed, but I could do nothing but get on the back of the speed cycle. Right as soon as I properly got on the ride, she slammed her visor shut back on and professionally sped away from the cave.




The famous Nepang Bridge, after an hour on the bike, I'm finally on the world-famous bridge. The bridge was known for how it came to be. It took so much cooperation and planning, it could have gone wrong in so many ways, yet the 13.5 kilometre bridge was built to connect the island to the mainland.

With ease, the bike continued to speed on it towards Nepang Island, the destination where I and the Horizon woman was supposed to deliver our cargo. The entire hour was just silent, which is I guess to be expected from people who are known as Nomad Couriers. However, it was on the bridge was when I can hear her soft voice again, this time, mixed with a sprinkle of subtle excitement. "What's your reason for visiting Nepang Island?"

"Just the usual business, I suppose. I assume the same for you?" I responded back while being seated behind her.

"Kind of. It's also my home, my family is waiting for my brief return. You could come over for a visit after you drop off your cargo, you know?" She invited me over, the only non-business related invitation I have ever received. "Who knows, maybe I'll visit you and your family sometime in the future."

Right, a family...

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