Sivayas Archipelago: The Laboratory

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I followed behind the lab coat wearing man by his trail, walking along with him through the corridors of white walls, floors, and ceiling. The only thing that wasn't white were the coloured lines on the floor. The solid and pristine choice of colour seemed almost alien. The walls gleamed, and the floor sparkled under the harsh fluorescent lights. The sterility of the place clashed with the city outside.

My boots, caked with the remnants of the desolate surface, felt out of place on the immaculate floor. Each step left traces of mud and grime, dark smudges that marred the laboratory's clinical perfection. Even if I don't remember it, I don't think my birth was even done somewhere this sterile.

It's not just for looks either, from the operations I can see while I pass by, it seems to all be for the sake of function. Even the coloured lines on the floor that I had assumed were decorations were actually, from what I observed, guides to rooms and departments. The entire time Craig had led me, I had noticed that we had been following the golden guideline, as the other lines branched off to different paths.

It's not just the environment that seemed alien, it was the occupants too. The scientists in their pristine lab coats moved about with a precision that seemed at odds with how human they can act. They could be moving from one place to another, turning corners like mechanical machineries, yet they would still greet Craig each in their own special way as they pass by. Their world was one of controlled experiments and calculated risks, a stark contrast to the unpredictable dangers that lurked on the surface.

I stick out like a sore thumb in this oasis of order, my weathered appearance clashing against the idea that everything could be neatly contained within the confines of a laboratory. Whatever the case may be, it didn't matter, all I had to do was just deliver their parcel and finish the job.

Although, I can't deny that something in the lab did catch my eye. While walking through doors and corridors, I caught a glimpse by the corner of my eye of a window that showed the contents of the room. Inside was a group of subjects that couldn't be any more diverse than it already is.

Something had made the near surroundings of the subject vibrate and blur, as if the very fabric of time and space had been disrupted, casting an eerie, almost hallucinatory quality over them. Their movements were so excruciatingly slow that they appeared nearly frozen in time. 

Among this group of subjects, it was evident that they hailed from vastly different eras. Some were dressed in the togas of ancient Rome, their regal bearing and draped robes evoking the grandeur of the Roman Empire. Others wore powdered wigs and intricate corsets that echoed the fashion of the 18th century, their powdered faces reflecting a different era's notions of beauty. There was a knight in shining armour, the clinking of his metal plates producing a metallic symphony, and a nomadic tribesman, his clothing adorned with intricate beadwork.

Despite that being the first time I have ever seen it, I have heard about those who were stuck in a slowed reality even since ancient times. They are stuck in a state of extreme delay that the world would quickly modernise around them even before they could take a seat. It's still a mystery what causes it, and it will take at least another few hundred years for the person who had relatively recently been struck to write down what had caused it.

"Here we are," the voice of the man that had been leading me spoke, pressing on a door gently for it to slide open, giving way to us. He moved out of the way, allowing me to enter first through the one person wide door.

Seemingly out of place is an understatement for the room, the clinical sterility of the rest of the laboratory was barely present in the room. The atmosphere felt unexpectedly welcoming, compared to the white void like surroundings beyond. The walls were adorned with painted warm colours, coupled with soft lights that cast a warm and inviting glow that bathed the room in a gentle embrace. A low, soothing hum permeated the air, likely from a concealed ventilation system, offering a comforting background noise.

The chairs, though plain and functional, seemed more comfortable than the typical laboratory furniture, their cushions worn but well-maintained. One of them was occupied by a man, another nomad courrier. He was unmistakably a fellow traveller of the surface, still donning his jumpsuit with his gears on just like I am. His unkempt long hair and scruffy stubble weren't so uncommon in the world of nomad couriers, but would definitely be strange to see everyday surrounded by sterile walls and fluorescent lights.

There was a woman in a lab coat, standing before him, engaged in some sort of conversation with him. Although, it seemed pretty one-sided, as the man placed his arm over the back of the couch while he listened to her. She would have most likely gone on with whatever she was talking about, if it wasn't for the man who had led me here to interrupt. "Jojo, the other half had arrived."

The woman he called out for turned around with a wide grin, yet I couldn't tell if it was for us, for him, or for the cargo I had brought. She walked towards me and then started messing with my gear and cargo before I could even take it off, tapping on the container like an excited critter. "This is great news! All 4 pieces, delivered with no issue. You know what that means, right Craig?"

Something about the fact that she referred to him as Craig rather than C like everyone else for some reason stood out to me, perhaps they just had a closer relationship than just colleague? It seemed to be a reoccurring thing, as he simply just replied with a smile and a nod.

"Could you be so kind as to put the gear on me? I will be taking care of the cargo from here. Don't worry, your gear will be returned to you in your temporary room." Craig requested.

Like clockwork, I took off my gear that was holding the containers and strapped it onto Craig's back. For a moment, I let go of the container, the sudden heavy weight causing him to almost trip backwards. Luckily, my hand was still close enough to catch him and the cargo from falling, it was my fault for forgetting how much routine and familiarity are required to keep yourself up with such weight. "Both of you really make this look easy. I'm going to update the others with the new parts, Jojo will explain to you what's going to happen after this."

I watched as the man in lab coat carried my container away, was my task for this job done? What did he mean by after this? Whatever it was, I doubt resistance was an option. Turning away from the door, I started moving to the seat beside the sitting man.

He reached out to me as soon as I was close, his hand welcoming mine as the corner of his lips smirked. "Call me Josh."

My hand extends into his, gently shaking it as I gave him a nod. "Zach."

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