Arkwasa: Sister of the Nasia Sea

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It has been 2 days since the incidents with the white masked bandits, 2 days of ceaseless pilgrimage through the barren lands in between cities.

Of all people to worry about the time spent, Josh would be the main concern with his injury that needs a more thorough treatment. The most we could and had done was extracting the fragments of the bullet, sanitizing the wound, and wrapping it up. Stalwart and unyielding, he began to show the undeniable signs of fatigue, the toll of the road etched across his face.

Despite all that, in the crucible of exhaustion, Josh's weakening state became a catalyst for a deeper connection. The lines that separated him blurred with Kath, with her ever-bubbling optimism, assumed the role of a nurturing companion for him. She tended to Josh's needs with a tenderness that defied the harshness of the journey, fostering a bond that might have surpassed the camaraderie we had known before.

To say that we had offered to help nurture for him would be an understatement, either way, we were denied every time as she was eager for him while he was eager for her, in the best way he was able to with an injury.

On the other hand, there was an undeniable second dynamic that had been going on during our journey too, one where I would prefer to be alone for instead of it. For a brief moment, I thought that we were finally able to be comfortable with each other's existence again, to be able to talk as if we were friends of simple pasts.

For once we were finally enjoying a nice interaction with each other, but rather than bridging the gap, they became a chasm that distanced us. The camaraderie we had carefully nurtured over countless miles now stood fractured, the foundations shaken by an incident that hung between us like an unspoken spectre.

Her avoidance was deliberate, almost as if the closeness we once shared had transformed into a source of discomfort. The air between us crackled with tension, and every attempt at conversation felt like navigating a minefield of unspoken words. We haven't spoken a single word to each other for the 2 days since the incident.

How could have things resulted in that anyway? How was I comfortable enough to be so close, so careless? Was it really in the drinks, when I had drunk more before with less of the effects?

I'm not sure how much she even remembers, she was definitely more intoxicated than I was. The idea of her remembering the awkward moment makes my blood curl, my jaw clench, and my knuckles locked. Although, I wouldn't put my hope on it as even if she did forget some things, she clearly remembered the worst parts.

However this is going to go, we're here now. Coming in close to Arkwasa, I could see the massive garage facility that stood on the surface, covering the entrance to the underground city. Its heavy-duty doors, fortified against the unpredictable elements, loomed before us like silent sentinels.

Arkwasa is an underground city only by technicality, but in reality, it's more akin to a facility, just larger than usual. Arkwasa is the main hub of the South East continent, Nasia. It's known as the Sister of the Nasia Sea, being an inland port that takes in delivery from Bhasa, Brother of the Nasia Sea. They handle and facilitate so many services that are keeping most of Nasia alive.

As we drew near, some sort of emitter extended from the wall, initiating a meticulous scan. The beams of light traversed our forms, mapping every contour and scrutinizing our presence with an almost clinical precision. The silent whir of machinery echoed through the air as the laser performed its duty, an unyielding gatekeeper.

The laser, having completed its scrutiny, allowed the heavy-duty doors to creak open with a mechanical groan. Beyond those imposing gates lay the heart of Arkwasa's operations. With the place being so busy on the surface section, I couldn't imagine what it would be like underground.

With not much information ever being given to us on where we were supposed to go when we do arrive here, we proceeded into the facility by the speedcycle. Not a full 2 meters in, the heavy-duty doors of Arkwasa sealed shut behind us, a resounding thud echoing through the air as the mechanical guardians reclaimed their post.

A drone approached us, an efficient floating technological labour replacement, swooping in with graceful precision and grabbing onto Josh. He struggled to the sudden embrace, all of us confused as to why a drone would act so abruptly. "Hey! What the hell?"

Hovering in mid-air, the drone gently lifted Josh from the ground while he was still trying to get himself free. As we stood there, a moment suspended in the interplay of technology and human vulnerability, a woman approached us. 

"Relax yourself for a bit, Josh if I'm guessing correctly, they're just trying to help you to the medical bay as the scanner detected you were injured." Her presence exuded an air of warmth and welcome despite also seeming to have some authority over the place. Her long, straight orange hair cascaded down like a vibrant waterfall, violet eyes sparkled with a rare blend of friendliness and curiousity, and a subtle smile on her lips.

Dressed in fashionable yet formal office attire, she seemed to defy the conventional boundaries that often separated style and professionalism. Her ensemble spoke of a seamless fusion of practicality and elegance.

Acknowledging their purpose was to help him, Josh loosen himself up to make the drone's job easier, slowly being taken away by it. "Well, I guess I'll be seeing you guys later."

"Right, you can visit him at the medical bay if you wish to. With that aside, welcome!" she exclaimed, her voice a melody that resonated with genuine enthusiasm. The bubbly energy she exuded was infectious, "I'm Emily, and I have been expecting you guys, assuming you guys are the ones that are going to update on news of certain things."

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