Sunday, Week 1 (1)

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Harry POV

I wake up drenched in a cold sweat like I always do. Every night the same dream, and every morning the same nightmare. I dream about finding Hermione and saving her before the curse that takes her memory ever touches her and us living together happily like we planned in the tent. Of course, I wake up before that life ever forms in my head.

Sighing to myself, I rise from the bed and immediately drop down to do my pushups. Exercise always had a way of calming my mind and it did wonders for my body. It was a win-win. It was one of the few things in my life that was good in and of itself.

One hundred push-ups later with a light sheen of sweat covering my body, I stand up and begin my morning cleaning. Today was Sunday which meant I had to be at The Burrow at 4pm sharp. I had half a mind to call the visit off but I mentally refused, not wanting to disappoint Hermione. I was purposely avoiding her and Ron since the day they got married but I reserved one day a week to make contact with her. It was painful but I only did it so she wouldn't kill herself worrying over me.

After I brush my teeth, I throw on my running shorts and vest before leaving my home at 12 Grimmauld Place to start my morning run. I run three laps of two miles around Grimmauld just to get my blood flowing and raise my perpetually downcast spirit a bit. The wind in my hair and the slight burn in my legs remind me that I'm still alive, that I'm still present on earth. I don't know whether to take that as a blessing or a curse.

Forty-five minutes later, I return home and shower before preparing breakfast. Kreacher passed away months ago and I held a small funeral by myself for my loyal servant to give him a proper burial. Now it was just me in this dark, dreary, old house. Some days I hated being alone but other days I felt the comfort of it as well. I still missed Kreacher, however. His cooking was a lot better than mine despite me being no slouch in the kitchen.

I had a hefty plate of eggs and bacon but realized I had more than enough time to kill before the weekly visit to The Burrow. With nothing to do and not wanting to review any more cases, I leave for the ballroom of Grimmauld which I converted into a makeshift exercise room.  I figured it would be best if I kept my body in peak shape but I also didn't want to deal with my thoughts on Hermione.

Hermione POV

I wake up bright and early before Ron like I always do but with a bright smile on my face. Today was Sunday dinner which meant I would finally be able to see my best friend. I was fully prepared to chew him out for avoiding me but I also dearly missed him and wanted to see him again. I hoped he hadn't picked up a new scar but I knew that that wasn't likely.

I leave the bed and begin my morning routine of washing up and eating breakfast before settling into some light reading. Ron arrived down much later and greeted me with a kiss which I returned easily and settled down next to me. His presence wasn't much of a bother but his loud breathing distracted from my reading. I wanted to say something but held my tongue.

Things between us were rocky lately and I felt a bit guilty for taking some of my frustrations out of him. Ever since I woke up from that coma, I feel like I'm missing something important to me. There are these gaps in my memory that, for the life of me, I can't explain. Even though Ron and Harry had filled me in on what I missed, there was this nagging feeling in my heart that something was wrong. Each day, the feeling blossomed into a rare type of pain that was not all hurtful as it was frustrating to deal with. It was nagging, annoying, even, but not at all agonizing. It was a reminder that I was missing something. What that was, I did not know.

Each day feeling this pain had rendered me angry, especially since I could do nothing about it. Try as I might, I could not remember what I was missing. That frustration kept being taken out on Ron and I inwardly felt guilty about it. I was going to have to make it up to him sometime.

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