Thursday, Week 2

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Hermione POV

"Never mind that. Let us begin with a tale of heartbreak, deception, and despair. Let me show you the genius of my magnum opus."

We all are stunned into silence as we await the story Dolohov has for us. Draco looks curious, Lyla the same, Neville and Luna are looking confusedly while Ron is the only one scared of what's coming. Ginny is angry beside me and I can tell she wants nothing more than to break free and rip Dolohov to shreds.

"Let us begin with the day after the Final Battle. Harry Potter had just won and the celebration was well and truly underway. No one noticed the absence of Miss Granger, however, not even her saviour. By the time he found her, it was too late. The work was done, I had succeeded."

He pauses for what appears to be dramatic effect and lashes his wand out to conjure a wooden chair which he promptly seats himself on. He looks gleeful at the chance to tell his story and I feel my heart start to pound against my chest. He promised that the story would come with the revelation of my lost memories but that I would end up brain dead at the end of it. There's nothing I can do to stop him, however.

"Now you may wonder what I succeeded in doing. The incantation to the spell I casted was: oblivio horriblis. Can anyone tell me what the spell is?" He looks around a bit before his eyes land on me. I know the answer and I know he knows I know the answer.

"Terrible Oblivion," I whisper dejectedly. I remember reading about the spell in the restricted section of the library. It was designed, not to merely make one forget, but to lock their most precious memories away under the threat of having their mind destroyed.

"Excellent. Ten points to Gryffindor," Dolohov cheekily says to me. We are still silent at his antics but I can see Draco and Lyla looking at me regretfully from their position. It's clear they must know about the spell.

"Now we get on to the good part. What memories did I lock away from Missus Weasley here?"

We all wait with bated breath for the answer and I feel a mixture of anticipation and fear. I desperately want to know what I've lost but I also do not want to have my mind destroyed. If there ever was a rock and a hard place, I would be the one in between them both.

"I suppose I should give the answer but I think Mister Weasley should be the one most equipped to reveal the truth. After all, the truth hurts less when it comes from a loved one," the former Death Eater flippantly says. He rises from the seat afterwards and jaunts over to Ronald who's begging him not to force him to say anything.

My mind is in a million places at once. So many questions come to it. Did Ron lie? Did Harry lie? They swore they told me everything, albeit that one omission, right? What could they have to hide? I know the answer to my first three questions when I see the look on his face. He betrayed me, Harry betrayed me. All this time, they've been lying to me. I want to break down and cry and bash my head against the wall because of the hurt but I know there's more coming. I know Dolohov won't leave this place until I remember everything. After that, my mind will be broken completely. I almost want it to happen because nothing is worth the pain of betrayal I feel from Ron and Harry.

"Cat got your tongue, Mister Weasley? I suggest you talk or else I will have to bring out the veritaserum," Dolohov threatens Ronald in a sing-song voice. Ron avoids his eyes and the former Death Eater signals to Lucius to procure a vial of veritaserum. "Last chance, Mister Weasley."

"I'll do it," Ron weakly whimpers. He looks distraught and scared but I feel no sympathy towards him. He's been lying to me for the entirety of our marriage.

"Then tell her the truth in its absolution."

Ron looks at me mournfully and I glare back at him. He'll receive no comfort from me. Whatever the cost of the truth is, I'm willing to pay it. I've had enough of the lies. It's time to let the truth have its day.

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