Chapter 4

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"I can't face him..." whispered Amelie "Why can't I his just a regular guy? Right?" then Amelie started walking on the street. "Why can't I? Am I that weak? Am I that scared? He likes you right? So much questions!" then Amelie started stomping, then she stopped and said "If you love him than go after him ... That's right...Jacques..." then Amelie sat down on a bench in front of a shop, facing the ground. "Amelie!!! Where are you?!" shouted Jacques. He was running and running then he saw her, Amelie, sitting, he was about to speak when suddenly Amelie said something, so he eavesdrop. "I can't believe this... I .... I... I am so stupid, Jacques... you make me stupid, I... like you Jaques... no I LOVE YOU JACQUES!" *Claps* "Huh?" "Amelie... you don't have to run away because you cant face me" said Jacques with a smile. Amelie stood and hugged Jacques tight "Sorry, Jacques."

The next day:

"Amelie!!! Wake up!!! Its already late!" shouted Ashthier, then she shook Amelie "Ashthier... I'm so happy!!!" then Amelie stood up with a big smile, took a bath, ate lunch, and sat down and chatted with Ashthier. "Why are you in such a good mood? Did you and Jacques do something?" asked Ashthier "Something? No Ashthier... We just confessed our love" then Amelie smiled "Oh Amelie, your so naive, thinking he's not going to flirt with other girls, or even talk to new ones, do you not know that a lot of girls like him?" said Ashthier "I do not care. He likes me I like him... It's called mutual understanding" said Amelie. "Well, all I can say is that I am happy for you." then Ashthier said "Do you have any favor to ask me?" then Amelie said "Nothing" "Would you like to visit my house tomorrow?" asked Ashthier "Sure!" then Ashthier left. 

That night: 

"Mademoiselle! Mademoiselle Gravois" shouted the maid "a gentleman is here to see you" "Its 7:00  pm who could that possibly be? Tell him to come back tomorrow" said Amelie "You don't want to see me? Sure?" then Amelie said "Jacques?" then poped out his head "Yes mademoiselle its me! The mighty Jacques!" "Quiet! You're so childish! Let him in its ok" "Thank you" said Jacques "What do you need?" asked Amelie in a very bossy tone "Nothing.., I just wanted to hang out"  "I'm busy! Don't you see? I am talking to someone" said Amelie "Then I will just sit here." The old man in the office was calling Amelie then Amelie went back to the office. The door was left open and Jacques started looking at Amelie and never stopped looking at her. 

"Thank you Mademoiselle Gravois, I must leave now" "Good bye Monsieur" then Amelie shook hands with the old man and the old man left. "It is 9:00 are you not leaving?" asked Amelie to Jacques "9:00? Time does not matter, I can stay here and stare at you" "I saw you... you were talking to yourself" said Amelie "I'm really like that!" then Jacques smiled then stood up "I like you dress... it is a nice color, red suits you" then Amelie was shocked because she was not wearing red, she was wearing pink. "I leaving now, bye" then Jacques grabbed Amelie's hand and kiss it, then he left. "Red? I'm wearing pink, that crazy man!" Then Amelie went up to her room, changed, and went to sleep.

The following day:

"Ashthier! I am here!" shouted Amelie as she enters Ashthier's house. "You do not have to shout I am just right here" "Sorry... I did not see you there. Now what are we going to do?" asked Amelie "Well... want to go out to the garden?" "Sure" then they both went to the garden. As they went to the garden Ashthier's dog, Blayze, comes to Ashthier. Since Ashthier really likes dogs, she couldn't resist to pet him. "Ashthier... Stop it, we were suppose to have tea in the gazeebo" Ashthier stood up  and fixed her dress "Come here Blayze" then she went to the gazeebo with Amelie and Blayze. "How are you doing? Are you fine being with Jacques?" "I am fine. Do not worry I won't get in trouble with him" "Ok..." they sipped their tea and Blayze went to Ashthiers' lap, and of course Ashthier petted him and said "Why are dogs so adorable... I pity the dogs that are just roaming around in the streets of France" "Well some owners are irresponsible" suddenly there was silence. "Amelie, as your close... no... as your best friend, I want you to be happy, and I am not saying that Jacques is not good for you. I just want to make sure that he is the right choice" "Don't worry Ashthier, I am responsible enough, and I am smart enough to know the difference of right and wrong." Afterwards Amelie and Ashthier went in the house "Want to read a book?" "Sure" then as they went to the study Amelie saw the newspaper and the front page said:

Mademoiselle Gravois New Lover

Seen together all the time. And spotted in front of a shop hugging. Will this be the dawn of a new love that will be forever or another wedding tragedy?

"Ashthier look! I am in the front page of the newspaper, with Jacques!" "Let me see that" as Ashthier was reading "I do not care what the press says... It won't b e a tragedy! And who said were getting married?!" Amelie said in a very high tone "You know that, I know, and Jacques knows, but the people...?" "I do not care! It is my life anyway!"

While Amelie and Ashthier were having their time together, Jacques was with his friends.

"Hey Jacques! I heard about you and the heiress, Amelie Gravois" said Morelie "What about it?" asked Jacques "That's why you were not going out with us!" said Bernard "You were busy... with love life!" said Devardo. Then all the boys laughed "Love life? It is not a love life. I am just messing with her" said Jacques "Really?" said his friends "Come here Morelie! Let me punch you" said Jacques "Punch me!?" then Morelie ran. They looked like immature boys staying in a small alley talking and running. They started laughing like crazy people. "Why don't we go to the pub later?" said Bernard "I'm in!" said Morelie "Me too!" shouted Devardo "Pub?" said Jacques, then he thought for a while "What's the matter Jacques? Are you going to go to you new love?" asked Devardo, the boys laughed except for Jacques "No! I am not! Let us head to the pub!" then the went off. 

It was loud in the pub. The boys drank until they got drunk, they said they were celebrating for Jacques's victory. "Do you love her Jacques?" asked Devardo "Love? Who said anything about Love?" said Jacques "You know women!" said Bernard then he stood up and shouted "Drinks! For my friend!" then Bernard passed out "When you start a relationship with a woman, they expect you to marry them, love them, put them first" said Devardo "And judging on how you look like now... You are not prepared" then Jacques said "I said it already! I don't love her! I am just fooling around" "Whatever you say" replied Devardo. Then Jacques started drinking.

"What time is it?" asked Jacques "It is 8:00 AM" said a policeman "Who are you?" asked Jacques "None of your concerns. Seems like you and your friends had quite a night" Jacques looked around and saw Devardo standing, Morelie sitting on the ground, and Bernard lying on the side walk. "Sorry officer! We did not mean to disturb such peace in Paris" said Devardo. A carriage pulled up in front of them and out went a butler "Monsieur Bouvier, your grandfather is looking for you" Jacques said goodbye to his friends and yet with the butler. 

"Do you see this!?" shouted the grandfather of Jacques "You are in the papers! Read it!"

Bouvier and his friends enjoying the Pub

This group of friends destroyed 8 tables and drank a lot. The store owner said "They have to pay for the destruction of my property" -page 9

"And there is more! What were you thinking? Getting drunk and destroying property?! Do you even have a mind!" shouted his grandfather with rage "I was drunk... I was not thinking well" said Jacques "Jacques... you are not the one who will suffer! The entire Bouvier family name will be affected with your childish actions!" he shouted "And about that issue with Amelie Gravois, are you planning to make us wait for you to open that topic?!" "Speak! Jacques! I am asking you something here!" "How can I speak when all you do is speak yourself! You do not listen!" shouted Jacques "How dare you raised your voice on me" then Jacques went out "You are old enough to think the difference between right and wrong! And yet you act like a child!" shouted his grandfather "Why is he like that Maxwell?" asked his grandfather "I do not know grandfather." That day Jacques never went back to the house of the Bouviers nor did he visited Amelie. He was only seen with his friends in the park.  

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