Chapter 10

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"Where is she?" asked a young womans voice "She is sleeping" said the maid "I must see her" said the voice. The door in Amelie's room opened. 

"Amelie! Wake up!!!" shouted the young woman. "What? Who is that?" asked Amelie as she opened her eyes. "It is me your cousin! Alexandra" "Alex?" Amelie stood up from her bed "What in the world are you doing here?!" said Amelie with a shocked face.

"Did you not receive oncle and tante's letter?" "What letter?" then Amelie remembered, she saw a letter on the table but she completely ignored it. "That letter..." Amelie said "I will wait for you down stairs" said Alex. 

After taking a bath and dressing up, Amelie went down stairs and talked to Alex "Are you not suppose to be in America?" "Well... If you read the letter you will know why I am here" said Alex then she pouted. Alex had a fair skin, her hair was slightly brown, and her eyes were color hazel, she was in America with her parents. 

"I know ok, I did not read the letter, just tell me" said Amelie "I came here for a vacation, I will be staying here for 6 months" said Alex then she smiled and tilted her head sideways. "6 months?!" said Amelie with shock, then she immediately grabbed the letter and read it.

Dear Amelie, 

     Alex, your cousin, wants to spend her summer there in France, with you. She will stay there for 6 months. She was told to take a break from her work, I know you might think that you will have a hard time, but you two are very close. So we thought it will be good for her to stop thinking about her training as a singer, and start resting with you. We are sorry for the trouble Amelie.

                                                                                                                      - From your relatives,

                                                                                                                      - Oncle and Tante

"Maid!!!" shouted Amelie "Prepare the guest room, and tell the chef to prepare us breakfast" the maid nodded. "You have a very big house Amelie" Amelie was silent "Do you enjoy it?" asked Alex "Enjoy what?" "Being alone in this big house?" Amelie paused then someone was knocking the door. Alex opened it and saw Ashthier, Ranier, Maxwell ,and Jacques. "Come in" said Amelie. 

They were all surprise to see Alex in Amelie's house. They were all quitely sipping their tea. "Why are you all silent?" asked Amelie. Ashthier came near Amelie and whispered "Who is she?" Amelie forgot that she haven't introduced her to her friends. 

"Friends, this is Alex, she is my cousin from America" said Amelie. Alex smiled and greeted them "Hi" 

They were amazed. Alex was beautiful, like Amelie. But they had no resemblance. "Hi, I am Ashthier, this is Ranier, Maxwell and Jacques" said Ashthier. Ranier and Maxwell greeted her but Jacques did not care, he only dragged here by Maxwell. 

They heard something barking in the gardens, then Amelie looked at Ashthier "It is Blayze is it not" said Amelie. Ashthier smiled and went to Blayze in the gardens. 

"Where is Deziree?" asked Amelie to Ranier "She said she could not come" then Maxwell continued  "She said she had to do something" 

Jacques stood up and went to the garden. He stared at Ashthie playing with Blayze then he whispered to himself "She looks... crazy" then he sat down in the bench. 

Then they all went outside. Amelie, Ashthier and Ranier played with Blayze, while Alex, Maxwell and Jacques sat down.

"So... You are Amelie's american cousin" said Maxwell "Yes, I am. But.... who are you to Amelie?"

"I am her friend, her special friend" "I know what that means" said Alex while raising her eyebrow.

"How about you?" Alex looked at Jacques "I was just dragged here by Maxwell" Jacques said while looking very far. "Is that so.." They remained quiet for a moment. Amelie grew tired and sat down in another bench. Maxwell sat beside Amelie, Ashthier and Ranier were still enjoying Blayze. Alex and Jacques were left sitting down.

"We will just go and get water" said Maxwell to Jacques and Alex "I will just rest inside, Alex" said Amelie. Then Maxwell and Amelie went inside.

Jacques was silent also Alex. They stared at Ashthier, Ranier, and Blayze playing and fooling around. Suddenly Jacques stood up and was about to leave but Alex said "Wait! Aren't you going to say goodbye to Amelie and the others first before you leave?" Jacques looked at Amelie, they made eye contact then Jacques said "I want to go now, tell Maxwell I went off to see my friends" then Jacques left.

Afterwards, Maxwell and Amelie showed up.

"Where is Jacques?" asked Maxwell "He left to be with his friends" said Alex. "Oh..." said Maxwell "Do not worry about him he is old enough to know what he is doing" said Amelie. Ranier went back to Amelie and the others "I am tired, where is the water?" said Ranier "Here" Maxwell gave him some water "Thank you" said Ranier. Alex stared at them "Wow! You guys are very formal" said Alex "We were raised that way" said Ranier. Ashthier then walked going back to the others. "I need water too" said Ashthier, Amelie handed her water and they all drank.

After dinner

"It is getting late I have to go now" said Ranier "I have to go as well" said Ashthier "Goodbye Amelie" they both said as they left. "Maxwell? Do you not need to go home now?" asked Amelie "If you want me to" said Maxwell. Amelie nodded, and Maxwell kissed her hand and left.

"Amelie?" "Yes Alex?" "Do you think Jacques likes me?" Amelie's faced turned pale for a while then Amelie escorted Alex to her room.

"You didn't answer my question Amelie" Amelie paused then asked "Do you like him?"

Alex blushed "I... Do not tell anyone!!!" she shouted "I will not... Remember, we are very close Alex"

Alex smiled "Thank you Amelie" she yawned and Amelie then went out from her room "Good night Amelie" "Good night Alex" Amelie smiled back.

"Alex likes Jacques" Amelie whispered to herself. Then Amelie went to her room and slept.

"I wonder if he was looking at me before he left" whispered Alex to herself then she slept smiling.

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