Chapter 7

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I like her

"Amelie!!! Stop talking to yourself" shouted Amelie to herself "You know you have to forget about Jacques if you want to move on" said Ashthier "I know..." "Amelie, it has been 3 weeks since that incident of yours. You must learn to move on" said Ashthier as she sips her tea. "I know" said Amelie. Ashthier stood up and checked the letters that Amelie hasn't opened. "Oh look! You have a letter from Maxwell Bouvier" Amelie looked at Ashthier then looked away "Can I open it" Amelie was silent and Ashthier opened the letter "Let me read it out loud"

Dearest Amelie,

                 I heard about my cousins' problem with you, I am talking about Jacques. I know he will not apologize to you, and I know that even if he did you will never accept it. I only wrote this letter because I am concerned for you. I do not want to pity you, to be honest I pity myself. I should have interfere with your relationship. My cousin is really stuborn. I would like to apologize for his arrogance. To make it up to you, will you meet me tomorrow in the park? After lunch. I will be waiting for you.

                                                                                                                                       - From you friend

                                                                                                                                       - Maxwell Bouvier

"When was this letter sent?" asked Ashthier as she struggles to find the date "This was sent to you yesterday" Amelie did not react "Amelie? Are you not going? He said in his letter that he will be waiting for you" "I will go..." said Amelie. As she was preparing Ashthier told to the maid to prepare the carriage for Amelie. "Are you ready?" asked Ashthier "I am" said Amelie, forcing her face to smile.

"I am here... Was he really concerned about me" whispered Amelie to herself. She went down the carriage and saw Maxwell, he was alone sitting on the park bench. Amelie was walking towards him but Maxwell saw her before she even got there.

"Amelie!" shouted Maxwell "How are you?" asked Amelie to Maxwell "I am fine, how about you?" "Never better" said Amelie with a fake smile "You do not have to lie to me" said Maxwell "Lie? What do you mean" "You know what I mean" said Maxwell, his smile was gone and he stared at Amelie's eyes. "I do not know why I am like this..." said Amelie "I should move on, I am an heiress of the Gravois estate! I should not be sad because of a boy!" said Amelie as tears fell down her face, Maxwell hugged her and said "Do not worry Amelie, I will never leave you side" Amelie looked at Maxwell and said "Why are you so kind to me?" "Well because..." Maxwell suddenly change the topic "Want to go for a walk?" They both went for a walk  in the park.

"Do you want to eat dinner with me Amelie?" asked Maxwell "I will be glad to" said Amelie. They both went to the restaurant name Parisian. "The food here is very delicious" said Amelie "I am glad you like it" said Maxwell with a smile. "You do not have to do all of this for me" said Amelie "I want to, I want to see the old Amelie" "Old Amelie?" "Yes, the strong, brave, yet sensitive Amelie" said Maxwell with a big smile. "Thank you Maxwell." They continued their dinner, they were both laughing and enjoying themselves.

"It is getting late" said Amelie "I will bring you home" Maxwell suggested "No need, I can go home myself" said Amelie, "I will not leave yet, I will wait for you to leave first" said Maxwell. When Amelie left Maxwell left as well.

That night:

"Wow... I had quite a night with Maxwell" said Amelie to herself. "I wish Ashthier was hear" then Amelie was silent for a moment "I will write her a letter" then Amelie started writing her letter.

Meanwhile in the house of the Bouviers

"Where have you been?" asked Jacques to Maxwell "What are you doing outside?" asked Maxwell "Do not avoid my question! Where were you?" shouted Jacques "I was with Amelie.We ate dinner together and talked" said Maxwell. Jacques twitched for a second and said "I am going to leave, I am going on a trip with the boys, well not really a trip..." "Stop it right there" said Maxwell "I know where you are going" said Maxwell "You do?" "Obviously" Jacques was silent then "You take good care of her" "I will" then Maxwell and Jacques went back in their homes.

Meanwhile in the house of Gravois

"It is so hard to write a letter to Ashthier!" shouted Amelie to herself "Let me see..."

3 hours later...

"I am finally done!" shouted Amelie to herself, "Maid! remember to send this letter to Ashthier first thing in the morning" "But..." "But what?" "Mademoiselle Gravois it is morning" Amelie checked the clock and it was 5:00 AM "I need to sleep now" said Amelie to her maid and so the maid went on with her duties.

That afternoon

"Amelie? Are you awake?" said a female voice. As Amelie opened her eyes she saw Ashthier "What..?" said Amelie "You slept late again, didn't you?" said Ashthier with her hands placed at her hips. "You are not my mother to say that" then Amelie sat down on her bed "Why are you here?" asked Amelie "I received your letter" "And?" "I was worried about you Amelie" said Ashthier "I thought you will be happy" said Amelie with a confused face "Dress up now" said Ashthier "I will wait for you down stairs." Ashthier went down stairs and Amelie started dressing up.

"So... Ashthier what do you need?" said Amelie "Have you heard that Jacques is leaving?" "I do not know..." then they both paused "It is good that he is leaving, besides why are you telling me this?" said Amelie "I thought you would react" replied Ashthier "I will not! Besides I do not care about him, I have my own life to fix" then they both remained silent for a long time.

"Mademoiselle Gravois?" said the maid "Your friends are here" Amelie stood up and looked who was it. It was Ranier, Amelie's friend from the party, and Deziree. "Amelie" said Ranier with a big smile "How are you and Helina?" "He is doing well with her" said Deziree "How about you Amelie?" asked Ranier "What about me" "I heard about you and Maxwell" said Ranier "How did you know? Ashthier did you?" "I did not tell them anything Amelie" said Ashthier.

"I learnt it from Maxwell himself" said Ranier "What did he say?" asked Amelie "He said..." Deziree interrupted them "Let us talk about the later, right now I just want tea" "We will just talk about this later" said Ranier. As they were all drinking tea "As I was saying a while ago, Maxwell said that he had a great time with Amelie" "That is it? No other comment" asked Amelie.

"To be honest Amelie... I think Jacques just tricked you" said Ranier, Amelie was silent, so was Deziree and Ashthier. "You being with Maxwell is much better" said Ranier "Ok Ranier stop it" said Deziree. Amelie was silent. "You are right Ranier..." they all looked at Amelie "I... I like being with Maxwell!"

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