Chapter 14

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"Amelie! Amelie!" shouted Ashthier

"What is it Ashthier?" 

"I received a letter from my parents"

"Why? Whats wrong with that?"

"My parents wants me to go with them and live in the countryside"


~Chapter 14~

In Amelie's house there is an afternoon tea party happening. Ashthier was going to announce to everyone that she is moving to a very far town in the countryside. All of their friends were there, enjoying the nice warm tea.

"I have an announcement" said Ashthier

"I.... I... I am leaving" 

"Leaving?!" the friends shouted

"You see... My parents said I should go and live with them in the countryside"

"But Ashthier you cant leave!" said Alex

"You cannot just leave all of the sudden" said Ranier

"Are you ok Amelie?" asked Maxwell

Amelie nodded and wiped a tear from her eye.

"Morelie? Are you ok?" asked Jacques.

Morelie didnt know how to react. He was speechless, he loved Ashthier and now she is leaving. He was in great shock.

After a month Ashthier began packing her things and preparing to leave. Amelie and Alex helped her. One day she sent a letter to Morelie saying:

Dear Morelie,

   I know the news of me leaving made you unhappy and shocked you. Remember this, I will never forget you. The feelings you made me feel are feelings that I will never forget. Our love can no longer continue, I want it to stop. After this letter of mine the feelings that I mentioned earlier, I will forget, the memories we made, I will forget as well. Morelie you are a good man and I know you will find someone who will appreciate you and treasure your feelings. That woman is just not me. Thank you for making me your princess. But now I must leave and I feel we will no longer meet one another. Farewell Morelie...

From your beloved,


Morelie was devasted. When Ashthier left, he was absent-minded. He would lose himself sometimes and he would just stare at the sky while Jacques is talking. Jacques was a bit worried about Morelie but Jacques had a distraction. He started having feelings for Alex.

Alex has feelings for Jacques and after 3 months Jacques started to have feelings for Alex. One day Alex and Jacques were left in the study room in Amelie's house. They were a bit awkward.

Alex knew her feelings for Jacques was strong and soon Jacques went to Alex and said

"Alex! Would you want to go out with me?"

Alex was happy and she was turning red. Then she nodded with a smile.

Soon the two of them became a couple and they started to go out together. They became the new couple. They were no longer left out, they were in love with one another. 

In a ball, Morelie was alone by the buffet table he was a bit bored and was about to leave until he saw a lady, tall, beautiful, smart, and graceful. She was walking a bit and Morelie was following her. Then the lady noticed Morelie. 

"Excuse me, mademoiselle?" said Morelie to the lady


"May I have this dance?" 

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