28 - Rodeo

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Also a PSA! I have changed "Madelyn's"(the FMC) into the name into "Mara". Simply because I don't like the name Madelyn anymore and it doesn't fit the story. And to note that the previous chapters have been altered, so RIP Mads x
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My elbows sink into the mattress after the big tattooed man in front of me throws me onto the bed.

I try to get comfortable on the bed, trying to calm my nerves down.

Trust him, Mara.

Nico wouldn't hurt me like Marcus. Nico is nothing like Marcus.


I eye Nico as he moves to switch his light on, glowing up the room. Then he moves a foot away from me. "Undress." His voice gets raspier after each syllable.

I hesitate for a moment. "Uhm....like right now?" I hesitate because I don't want him to see close up of my scars or every lump of my body.

"Just take the damn clothes off, Mara." The affirmation of the way he said my name was enough to tell me he didn't like me being difficult.

"But-" His voice interrupts me, "You do what I say." He growls back.

I let out a shaky breath. It's okay, Nico won't say anything like that.

I lower my gaze away from his eyes as I withdraw all my clothing except my bra and underwear. I discreetly wrap my arms around my torso like I was giving myself the most warming hug ever, even though I didn't feel warm or cozy at all, well not in this body I'm am.

"You are not going to hide from me." He spoke with a gruff voice that raises the goosebumps amongst my skin.

"Why do you want to see my body so badly?" I rise up from the bed and look up at him.

"You've already seen it before and you know it's not like—"

"No." He stops me before I even refer to the perfect girls in the club and the blonde girl from when I met Nico first.

I know I have no experience and I know I'm not near the women he's been with.

"I'm so fucking sick of you overthinking everything and getting lost in whatever comparisons your mind makes up." He slows his pace.

"Because they don't matter. None of them." His words are wrapped around my heart. He can be so sweet.

But I don't understand how he can think or anyone can. I'm so used to people thinking the opposite of the way Nico speaks.

His footsteps approach me as he captures my hips in his big hands and then spins me around where my back collides with his torso.

My chest begins to thrive as his hands creep up my own torso and then one of his hands climb up my neck, also stroking the space under my ear.

"Bellissima." Nico whispers, almost to himself in a foreign language, maybe Italian?

"What did you say?" I ask with my heart beating out of its chest.

"Beautiful." He smiles against my neck and so do I.

He might not want to be thought as this, but he is sweet, in his own ways.

"Who did you wear these for, huh?" He snaps the band of my panties against my hip which make me jump from the sudden move.

It seemed like I triggered something behind me too...

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