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The Monaco after party is always amazing

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The Monaco after party is always amazing. It's at the paddock but I went back to the hotel to get ready.
I could've stayed with my family this weekend, but it's better for me to stay at the hotel with everyone because Mama's house isn't as close to the circuit as the hotel that's right on it.

You can say I'm the happiest man alive today. I won my home race today, after seven years of pure bad luck, I finally did it. And on top of all that, I have the girl of my dreams with me here.

I saw her cheering me from the crowd below the podium, it made my heart race. Every little thing she does or says in my direction makes me happy, she's a drug and I'm an addict.

This win meant the world to me, and so does she. I dreamed about this day for years, longing and wishing for it every second I breathe. My dad would've been so proud of me. I'm sure he saw me somehow, it's like I could feel his spirit around me.

There is not a day that goes by without missing him, but it gets better. I can look back at the few memories I have of him and smile instead of cry.
I cried today at the podium. I couldn't help it. It was a very emotional moment for me, standing there looking up to the sky, talking to Papa and Jules.

So, back to the party, there are tons of people here, drivers, fans, team members and I look for Avery in the crowd. She texted me she's here but she's with Max so we'll need to be creative about this. I want to dance with her again.

Her blonde hair pops up in the sea of people, I text her to lose Max somehow and I'll come to her.
I have no idea what she says to him but she leaves him and walks farther into the loads of people dancing to the music.

I go up to her and hug her from behind, something I learned she loves. I kiss the bottom of her neck, right next to her collarbone and she turns around to face me.

It's dark and everyone are drunk so we're being naive, thinking no one will notice us. I kiss her deeply, my tongue dancing with hers in passion and lust.

The song 'Often' starts playing from the speakers and I already know both of us love this song.
We dance and sing, grind against each other when her back is against my chest, we taste the moment. Take everything we can get from each other.

After we danced to a few more songs she says over the loud music "Hey, I have to go back to Max. I told him I'm gonna say hello to some people but he's here to be my babysitter. Dad's orders, you know."
"Sure, love. Whatever you need. Have fun tonight, I know I did." I say and give her one last kiss for the night, or for the whole week since I have to wait for the next race.

She leaves and I find Pierre and Lewis between all of the people. I head over to them and say "Hi, guys. What's up?"
"We're good. Couldn't miss you having a hot dance with someone over there. Is that your so called girlfriend we know nothing about even as your closest friends?" Pierre says.

If there's one thing Pierre loves more than racing, it's gossip. "That is my girlfriend, and I can tell you all about her as long as you keep it quiet. By quiet I mean radio silence, Pierre. Got it? This doesn't get out of both of you."

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