Forever Is The Sweetest Con

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Max's home race is here

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Max's home race is here. Finally. We've been waiting for this since the season started. This is exactly what he needs. Everyone at the grandstands are cheering for him, and I'm sure it'll give him a lot more confidence.

It's been three months since the Monaco Grand Prix, since then we had six more races. Charles won five of them while my brother won one, at the British Grand Prix.

Charles wasn't having a good race there. George Russel crashed into him on the very first lap when he started from pole and could've had an easy win. Maybe it makes me a bad girlfriend, but I'm glad Max won. He hasn't won this season and he really needed that. And Charles won 12 races out of 13, I'm sure he can have one bad race.

He's been acting weird this week. We had amazing dates and we were together a lot in those few race weekends, but this week, after the Belgium Grand Prix, he wasn't the same.

Suddenly, he became cold. He wouldn't really answer my texts and calls, said he was always busy. That might be right, but this never happened before. When I called him he always answered, so I guess it's a bit strange for me.

He has no reason to act differently, right? We're good. We've been dating for five months and I'm deeply in love with him. We haven't said the words yet, I don't even know if he loves me, but I don't have the courage to say it yet. Those are big words for me. It might seem stupid but I've never said it to anyone besides my family and Liv.

We're all in the Netherlands, it's already Friday. Another reason to why Charles is acting differently is he didn't try to see me yesterday, at all. And when I asked if I can come over to his paddock, he told me he's busy and maybe tomorrow.

I texted him an hour ago if he's free now. He still hasn't answered even though it says he was connected and could've seen it, but I won't text him again. I can't chase him again and again, if he wants to be distant, so be it. I tried.

I'm sitting with Dad, Max and Daniel to get some lunch after the first practice session. I already know Dad decided to give Dani a seat alongside Max next season. I'm really happy for him, he's such a great guy.

They talk about racing stuff, I listen because I am interested in the sport. I want to learn all about it, and I have so many people to learn from.

Once we're done I get a text from Charles.
Charlie❤️: Avery, can you come over to my room? We need to talk.
Me: Yeah, what's this about?

What do we have to talk about? And he never calls me Avery when we text. Something's wrong, I just can't put my finger on it.

I feel like I'm gonna have a panic attack right fucking now but I'm trying to hold myself together the best I can.

Charlie❤️: I'll tell you when you get here, Avery.

That can't be good.

This is what I'm talking about. He's so cold towards me, he barely talked to me the whole week and I'm getting sick of this.

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