Off The Road

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"Avery! Come on! We're late as fuck!""Language when you talk to your sister" Dad tells Max when they're standing outside of my bedroom

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"Avery! Come on! We're late as fuck!"
"Language when you talk to your sister" Dad tells Max when they're standing outside of my bedroom. "Just a sec." I say and open the door.

We're getting ready, well, I'm getting ready while they wait, for the Japanese Grand Prix. It's already late September and the time passes quickly. I can't believe there are only seven races left on the calendar for this year.

This whole time passed by so quickly, I still remember the very first day I walked into the paddock in Bahrain. The day I met Charles.
I can't wrap my mind around it. It's been six months since that day, 16 races.

Sadly, I couldn't attend the Singapore Grand Prix, I was sick and had a really high fever, wouldn't stop throwing up. So I watched the race from home under my comfortable blankets with Liv and we both watched as Carlos took his first win of the season.

Liv was really happy for him. Apparently, Carlos and her have been talking a lot since we went to Italy together and they had to stay at the same room... After Charles and I were pretty occupied in the room Liv and I were supposed to stay in.

I get out of my room, dressed in a yellow sun dress and wearing my RedBull hat with number 33 on it. "Finally." Max says with frustration.
"Enough with this. We have plenty of time." I say and he answers "Ave, my interview is supposed to start in fifteen minutes..."

"Sorry. I really am. It won't happen again."
"It's alright, I'm just messing with you. I couldn't care less about that interview." He says and pulls me into a hug.
I can see Dad smiling at the sight of us from the corner of my eye.

We leave quickly and Dad drives us to the paddock. Max rushes into the interview while I am left alone in the Red-Bull garage since Dad also went to do something I understand nothing about.

This is the part of Formula 1 I don't really enjoy. I'm just sitting here with no one I know every Thursday while they are doing work stuff. It's clear to me why.

Luckily, I brought a book with me so I could have something to do all day. It's called 'Wrecked' by Lauren Asher. I started reading it after finding out it's a romance series about F1 drivers. I'm on the third book now and I'm in love with these books. They're so beautifully written and the characters are so deep, it takes me to a whole different universe even though I'm right here at Formula 1 races all the time.

That's the magic of books. They can make me travel through different worlds even when I'm just sitting in my bed all day reading.

I go upstairs and outside to the balcony that's above the pit lane with my tote bag in my hands. I also brought my iPad because I thought about drawing something. Now that I can't just stay with Charles in his room, I'm extremely bored.

There are lots of couches and chairs here so I just sit on a random one. Someone approaches me. Is that Arthur? I think it is. I haven't seen him since the dinner we had at Monaco.

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