Forever & Always

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That ring burns in my pocket. I can feel the ring box poking my leg and God I need to ask her already.

I'm proposing tonight, if you hadn't picked up on it yet.

It's been two months since Avery agreed to move in with me, and barely a week after that day, she actually moved in to my apartment in Monaco.

Her family didn't really take it well, since she's their little princess and they didn't want her to leave their home, and move to a whole other country.

I've asked for Christian's permission before proposing, and not only did he agree, he also offered to give me the ring he proposed to Avery's mother back then, but I told him I already had the most perfect ring in the world for his daughter.

It was a gold delicate ring, it had a blue round diamond in the exact color of her eyes, I made sure of it. God, I love her eyes.

The ring was gentle and ethereal, just like her beauty and her personality. When I saw it, I knew it was the one for her and I bought it on the spot.

We're currently on a break from racing, the season ended about three weeks ago and it's almost Christmas. My first Christmas with Avery as my girlfriend, as my fiancé, if she says yes.

The season ended on a good note. I was able to be back racing after I woke up from the coma and won all of the remaining races.

Back when we went racing in Vegas, I went with Avery to Taylor Swift's concert. I've never seen her happy like that. Well, she was happy until the concert ended and she sobbed in my arms.

I bet even my proposal won't make her as happy as she was when Taylor got on stage. Those tickets were originally for Avery and Max, but when Avery offered me to go with her, I couldn't refuse.

When Taylor sang 'Love Story' I honestly thought to myself whether I should propose right there, but I wanted to do it privately, I knew that's what she'd want.

We're on the way to my yacht, where I'm going to get down on one knee and ask this girl to marry me. I'll beg if I have to.

I chose the yacht because it's a significant place to our relationship. It's also a very romantic place to propose at, but I mainly chose it because Avery and I spent our very first night there.

We share incredible memories from my yacht, from that night and from many other dates we had on it.

Some may claim I'm proposing way too soon, after all Avery and I haven't even known each other for a full year. But it just feels right.

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