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"Why is the door locked?" Dad says as he knocks on my door like a mad man

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"Why is the door locked?" Dad says as he knocks on my door like a mad man.

I look around the room.

Clothes. Underwear. Naked Charles.

Fucking great.

"Charles!! Wake up! Dad is at the door! He's gonna murder us and bury our bodies in the garden. I'm not even gonna get a funeral and a pretty tombstone."

"What?" He asks in a sleepy deep voice, he's clearly confused.

"My dad is at the door if you somehow missed the knocks that almost broke the goddamn door."

"Oh shit. I'll just go into the bathroom, and you'll lie to him. That's easy." He says and gets up from the bed, still completely naked and enters my private bathroom.

His back is so big and muscular. I wanna scratch it until my nails leave marks and blood.

Your dad is at the door waiting and knocking you idiot!


I quickly push all of the scattered clothes to my closet and put on a pajama set.

I unlock the door and face my dad.

"Good morning to you too."
"Charles Leclerc, please come out of my daughter's bathroom."

How the hell did he know?!?

"Uhh... He can't, dad."
"And why's that, Avery?"
"Because he's naked."

"I see you kept your promise, Leclerc."
"I'd say sorry but I'm not actually sorry." Charles says, still inside the bathroom.

"You two, get dressed and meet me downstairs. There's something we need to talk about and it's fucking urgent." He says and leaves the room.

I let out a breath I didn't even realize I was holding in. I'm washed with relief that both Charles and I made it out of this situation alive.

And that dad didn't give us the condoms lecture. That would've been way too much for me to handle.

We both get dressed and brush our teeth, then go downstairs to sit in front of my father at the kitchen island.

"Have you two opened your phones today already?"
"Uhh... No. We were kinda busy." I say and Charles lets out a little laugh.

"Well then, you should. There are pictures of you all over the internet."


Are those the pictures??

I turn to look at Charles. He's looking right back at me.

"I see you know what pictures I'm talking about?" Dad says.
"Yeah... It's a crazy girl I slept with once. She's fucking crazy. She threatened me that if I won't break up with Ave she'll post the pictures."

Just Rivals | C. L. | #1Where stories live. Discover now