Angry 3

80 15 13

"Kenapa kau ikut menjadi iblis kevin?" Tanya vania lirih
"Karna kau, kau membuatku muak dgn dirimu" jwb Kevin

Vania kecewa. Sangat kecewa

"You joined the demons. You are ruthless"

"Aku memang kejam"

"This is the reason why I don't want you to befriend that demon child!"


Kevin menamparnya lg

"Berhenti menyebutnya seperti itu!" Seru Kevin tak Terima

"Kau lebih memilih iblis itu dibandingkan aku?"

"Tentu saja"

"Ya, Aku tau"

"Karma will come to you and the demons"

"Devil huh? Alright. I'll show you our devil side" ucap gabrijel

Vania menunduk takut saat gabrijel mendekat ke arah nya

"Why are you looking down?" Tanya nya

Vania tak bergeming

"Cih, penakut" decih azel

"I don't want to die at the hands of the devil! I want to die at the hands of God! Not the devil!!" Pekik vania

"Devils are also God's creation. And a bully for a goddamn human like you, so- let's have some fun then, what then?? Aah right, then we'll kill you" ucap Kevin


Vania benar-benar lemas, tak tau harus berbuat apa

Dia benar-benar kecewa berat

Maaf ya Vania_cly16 mwhehehe


"Para iblis menghasut dirimu Kevin" lirih nya
"Tidak.itu salah"
"Kau, benar-benar sudah hilang kendali"
"You traitor"

Vania semakin menunduk

Kosta menatap datar ke arah vania

Kesal, marah, sebal, dll nya bercampur menjadi satu

Remember Me? [S2] Edition 'Beautiful scenery with bad memories'Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang