Chapter ✨️1✨️

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If you're here, thank you.
As you can see by the title, this book is scarather, so if you don't like this ship, please don't bother leaving hurtful or hate comments on this book. Please :3
(Remember, this is a modern au)
Anyways enjoy!


The soft rays of sunlight peaked through the curtains as the long blonde hair of the mysterious traveller known as aether glowed in the radiance.

The annoying beep of an alarm could be heard as the time struck 6am. Groaning, the blond sat up and rubbed his eyes groggily.
A loud yell could be heard from downstairs, "AETHER! GET YOUR ASS OUT OF BED!!!" A feminine voice screeched.  "FINE LUMINE!"

Aether slowly got out of bed and walked into the small bathroom. The blond took out his hair and brushed it thoroughly as he prepared to have a shower.

Time skip to after the shower because I suck at writing that kind of stuff ;—;

Stepping out of the bathroom, Aether grabbed a school uniform and threw it on the silky sheets on his bed.
He began to button up his shirt and did up his tie. Afterwards, he put on his pants and headed downstairs, hoping that his sister had made breakfast.

"It took you long enough!" The short haired blonde named Lumine said.
"Shut up." He responded, taking a bite of his toast in the process.
Lumine melodramatically placed her hand on her chest and gasped, "How rude!" She yelled. "Can you please just braid my hair?" Aether replied, sighing

Eventually, the two made it out the door with minimal arguments or fights. They both stepped onto the footpath (I am an Australian, so I will be calling it a footpath, not a sidewalk) and began the walk to school.

The walk was slow with a comfortable silence between the siblings. A light conversation was started but ended quicker than it lasted.

After a while, the twins reached their school (PLEASE TELL ME WHAT TO NAME IT!!!) The halls were busy with people going left and right rapidly. The first bell rang to signal the students to get to class in 5 minutes. Both the blonds said their goodbyes and headed to their separate classes.

Aether reached his class first as it was closer; he went inside and sat in his usual seat at the back of the crammed, dull classroom. Slowly, the room started to fill with more and more students. Eventually, the teacher showed up and started to ramble about some new students. Aether wasn't too interested, though, as this school receives new students all the time.

However, aethers attention was instantly turned to the front when a short boy who looked around his age walked in. He had a dark, purple-ish hair colour. The boy seemed to have an unpleasant attitude as he had kept a straight expression all through the time he was being introduced to the class.

As aether looked around, he could see all the girls in the class fangirling over this new kid. It was annoying really because the room was just full of murmurs and little screams of love and desire.
To be honest, the man looked irritated. Boy, is he going to have a great time here... aether thought as he rolled his eyes.

The teacher finally concluded the introduction by finally telling us the boys name. His name was Scaramouche. An intimidating name for an intimidating man... thought the blonde.

Scaramouche was instructed to sit next to Aether. 'Great.' Aether thought. As the purple haired man made his way to the back of the room, all eyes were on him; some love hungry stares and some out of pure interest in the 'new kid'.
As Scaramouche sat down, the blonde sighed and prepared to be a new victim of this bully type man, but instead, scaramouche only glanced to the side before returning his attention to the front.

'Boy, will this be fun....' thought the blonde.

Finally, after what felt like forever, the class had ended. "Aether! Scaramouche! Meet me at the front of the classroom, please!" As everyone else left the room, the two boys made their way to the teacher. "What is it, miss?" The blonde asked, a small smile on his face.
"I need you to show scaramouche around the school as he will need help getting to classes. I have made sure he has the same timetable as you to avoid complications. Thank you!"

Scaramouche looked almost as shocked as Aether does. The thought of having to do this all was super overwhelming for both the boys. Scaramouche just left the room silently and aether slowly followed behind.

Without another word, scaramouche grabbed aether by the hand and dragged him into a mostly empty hallway. "Don't think im going to be nice to you~" Just because I was tasked with you as my guide, doesn't mean I have to respect you. I will make your life a living hell for the rest of the year."

Aether gulped as scaramouche began to walk away. Aether wasn't going to even try catching up to him, knowing his personality and obvious status already. It seems he would eventually find out where he needs to go.

A sudden thought hit the blonde. 'SHIT! CLASS!' He screamed internally. He began to run through the bare halls as quickly as possible.
Reaching the door, he stepped inside the classroom, hoping no one would notice the fact that he was late. But sadly, the teacher caught him. "Aether. Detention." He said in a slightly magnified voice.
The blonde sighed and began to walk over his seat slowly. Aether sat down and began to zone out. He could tell the rest of this year wouldn't be fun...


What did you guys think? If you think I should change anything,  please let me know, I will try to post at least one chapter a week. Remember to drink, eat, and get as much sleep as humanly possible (I say while making cosplay stuff at one in the morning-)I hope you have a great day/night or whatever it is for you ❤️

Words: 1045!!

From T :3

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