Chapter 2 (Lantern Arc)

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Haloween, children's favorite, where they dress up and go around the neighborhood, knocking on people's door for candy.

Jack could see a lot of different costumes around, Mario, Ghostbusters, Darth Vader and more.

He placed the carved pumpkin back on his head as he knocked on another door. The door opened and the kid shouted.

Jack:"Trick or treat!"

The old lady looked at the boy and smiled, she inspected the boy's costume and spoke.

Lady:"Oh dear, yours might be the only costume I understand."

The old lady placed her hand in the candy pack and took four. She put her finger up her mouth and told the boy to not say anything.

Lady:"Only because I understand your costume, okay?"

The little kid nodded happily and took the candy. Jack then thanked the lady and walked away. He then realized he already visited every house in the neighborhood.

Not satisfied with the amount of candy he got, Jack walked to the next neighborhood, smiling and singing to himself. When he reached the first door, he knocked on it.

When the door opened, he was ready to shout but felt some kind of gas hitting his face as he slowly lost his consciousness.

Spider-Boy landed in front of a house and stared at it for a few seconds. He then looked at the spider phone and saw that this was the address. He decided to not use the door, which was a clear choice.

Spider-Boy sneakily walked to a window and saw that it was open, he took a peek inside and saw two people, their legs were tied together and their hands were tied at their back. They were on the ground with their mouth taped. When they saw Spider-Boy stare at him, he shook his head and gestured them to not make a noise.

Spider-Boy then slowly climbed inside the house, he slowly approached the woman and slowly took off the tape, to not hurt her.

Woman:"He's going to our kid! Please save him Spider-Boy!"

Spider-Boy:"Both of you get out of here, I'll make sure your kid is safe."

He said as he untied the woman's legs, then her hands. The woman quickly went to untie her husband as Spider-Boy, secretly made his way to the stairs.


Spider-Boy turned around and looked at the husband, making him continue.

Husband:"Be careful... He has a scythe."

Spider-Boy nodded and the parents ran out of the house, leaving the hero alone in the room with the criminal.

Spider-Boy:"Scythe..? Who does he think he is?"

He thought as he climbed the stairs, he heard the old staircase creak, making him freeze in his place. Spider-Boy then took another step the heard another voice.

He heard a metal, it connected with the ground and made a high pitched voice. Spider-Boy heard rolling and when he felt something hit his right foot, his spider senses tingled.

But it was too late, before he could even react, the pumpkin shaped bomb exploded, sending Spider-Boy back to the ground floor.

As all the smoke cleared, Spider-Man saw a figure pressing against a wall, the criminal had a pumpkin on his face and it was on fire, as well as the bomb he was throwing and catching.

Spider-Boy | Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now