Finale (Lantern arc)

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Standing on a rooftop, Spider-Boy took in a deep breath, feeling the cold weather inside his body, he shivered as he stared down to the city, waiting for someone, his mentor specifically. When he heard a noise, he knew Spider-Man was there. The hero walked next to the sidekick and put a hand on his shoulder, making him grunt in pain. Spider-Man asked, concerned.

Spider-Man:"What's wrong, kid?"

The boy turned at the hero, his suit on, everything looked perfect but under the suit, that's where the trouble was. He looked at the hero's eyes and spoke with a soft voice.

Spider-Boy:"Jack O'Lantern attacked me again..."

The boy said silently, making the hero's lenses open wide, showing that he was shocked. The hero quickly pulled away his hand off the kid's shoulder and asked, concerned.

Spider-Man:"How are you? Are you okay?"

Spider-Boy gave a small smile under his mask, when he heard the hero's concern, he then slowly sat at the edge of the roof, Spider-Man following his action right after.  Spider-Boy looked at the pedestrians walking on the streets and spoke.

Spider-Boy:"I have to be, for them..."

He muttered, Spider-Man quickly understood that the boy was injured
Before he could say something, Spider-Boy spoke again, this time with determination.

Spider-Boy:"It's about time I take him down."

Spider-Man smiled at the boy's determination, it reminded him of someone, someone really familiar.

Spider-Man:"You meant we."

He said, he saw Spider-Boy shaking his head. He first thought it was because of the cold, the boy couldn't stop shaking, but the sidekick spoke, showing that it wasn't for the reason Spider-Man thought.

Spider-Boy:"You never faced Jack O'Lantern, Spider-Man... I did."

Spider-Boy's gaze left the streets and turned to the hero, he tilted his gead and spoke to him.

Spider-Boy:"I lost to him twice... He killed a baby... All because of me, because I was late..."

He then turned back to the streets, with a hint of guilt in his voice, the thoughts didn't leave his mind for a second. What if Spider-Boy wasn't late? What if the baby was still alive...

Spider-Boy:"I'm gonna be the one taking him down."

Spider-Boy said, he then turned at Spider-Man and looked at his mentor, waiting for his answer on the matter. Spider-Man smiled and spoke.

Spider-Man:"You have a bright future, kid."

Spider-Boy nodded at his mentor and slowly pushed himself to his feet, Spider-Man did the same and they stared at the city. Spider-Man looked at the boy and asked.

Spider-Man:"Where do you think he will be at?"

Spider-Boy stayed silent, thinking about the question. The sound is the busy street was all Spider-Man could hear for a good minute. Spider-Boy's eyes widened as he looked at his mentor.

Spider-Boy:"Jack was looking for me, it was like he searched everywhere, specifically for me."

Spider-Man stayed silent, listening the boy as he spoke.

Spider-Boy:"It was like, he knew where I would be..."

He slowly looked down and remembered something, something he was told by his best friend, Tyrone, in his real identity.

Tyrone:"Yeah, there will be this Halloween themed amusement park at the Central Park."

Halloween themed... Amusement park, a lot of civilians... Halloween themed, a pumpkin mask could easily blend with the crowd... Central Park...

Spider-Boy | Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now