Chapter 4 (Fun With Cage arc)

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Iron Fist took a peek to the building in front of him, it was a tall and old apartment. What interested him was the ground floor, there was a supermarket, closed with a broken sign. Iron Fist then heard a cough and turned around, seeing the person with him.

Danielle, she looked up at the hero and spoke with a low voice.

Danielle:"Why are we here, Iron Fist?"

Iron Fist stayed silent before pointing to the supermarket, making Danielle look at the said market. He then spoke with a calm voice.

Iron Fist:"Your first night so we're starting simple, they do drugs here, from what I heard."

Danielle slowly turned back to the hero and asked with a confused voice.

Danielle:"They make the drugs there?"

Iron Fist nodded and lit his fist up before whispering to the girl.

Iron Fish:"Follow my lead."

He slowly approached the closed door and saw that it was blocked, as well as the windows. He pushed Danielle away and took a deep breath before punching the door, breaking it and the thing behind it. Iron Fist quickly ran in and punch a guy before he could take his gun.

Danielle at the same time, ran inside and dashed towards one of the workers, saving the old woman from a bullet. She looked at the woman's eyes and saw that it was all white.

Iron Fist held an arm, that belonged to an armed man. He then pushed the arm and kicked the man's knee, making him fall. He then lit his fist and punched the man's face, making him hit the ground quickly and pass out. Iron Fist looked behind and saw Danielle let go of the woman. Danielle punched a man coming towards her, making him fly towards a wall.

Danielle jumped over the table and ducked under a punch before pushing the man's arm to left and landing a strong right hook, making the man fall to the left. She was then shot, only for the bullet to bounce off her and hit a man.

Iron Fist kicked a man's face then he dodged a punch. His eyes landed on someone new that just got into the room. The man pointed the gun to Danielle and shot. The time slowed as Iron Fist ran towards the girl, knowing what the bullet was.

A judas bullet. He jumped in front of her, getting the hit for her. He shouted in pain as he fell to the ground, making Danielle turn at him. Her eyes widened as she pulled Iron Fist behind a table. She then pushed the table, making it a cover for her. She then shook Iron Fist as she spoke.

Danielle:"Uncle Danny? Are you okay? Why did you do that?"

Iron Fist slowly put his hand on the girl's shoulder, he then spoke with a soft voice.

Iron Fist:"Judas... Bullet..."

Danielle's eyes widened as she looked at her uncle, he was passing out. She had to act and do it quick. Danielle's eyes landed on a henchman, passed out on the ground. She grasped his arm and lifted him.

She quickly got up and threw the man at the judas bulleted criminal. The criminal shot at the man but the man's body hit him, making him fall to the ground. Before he could stand up, he was kicked by the face, making him pass out.

Danielle quickly looked around, she then opened the room the criminal came from, her eyes widened as she saw what it was filled with. Judas bullets.

There was boxes, more than ten, she closed her eyes and shook her head before running back to where her uncle was.

She put an arm behind his knees and one on his back before lifting the man up. She muttered as she rushed out of the house.

Danielle:"You're gonna be fine, uncle."

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