Chapter 1 (Fun With Cage arc)

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Luke Cage, also known as Power Man was standing in front of an old factory, a black hoodie on, hiding himself in the darkness of the night. He then heard some footsteps and turned around, seeing another man, this man had a yellow mask covering the upper half of his face with a full black suit, the dragon logo in the middle still visible, despite being black. This man was Iron Fist, Luke's partner in their business, Heroes for Hire.

Luke:"You're late."

He muttered and turned back to the factory, he heard a sigh coming from the man.

Iron Fist:"Luke, I know you're angry but we can't just rush in there."

Luke turned at his partner, his voice showing his anger despite his emotionless face.

Luke:"If they have Burstein they can create more people like me, Danny! I think you can see how bad that can get!"

Iron Fist stayed silent, thinking about what Luke said. He then spoke up.

Iron Fist:"Why would they kidnap Burstein?"

Luke's gaze turned back to his partner, this time he looked confused, letting his partner talk, Luke took off his hood.

Iron Fist:"Now of all the time... Do you think that's normal?"

Luke:"Why does it matter when they did it?"

He asked to his partner, making him shrug and answer his question.

Iron Fist:"I just don't think it's normal... It's been nearly twenty years since you became super, Luke."

Luke then stayed silent, thinking about what Iron Fist said. His eyes landed on the factory once again and he spoke.

Luke:"You think it's a trap."

Iron Fist nodded and closed his fist, as it started shining, Iron Fist spoke.

Iron Fist:"I think someone from your past is playing games with you."

Luke then stared at the factory before speaking, with a serious voice.

Luke:"Or on Burstein..."

Iron Fist looked at the man confused and asked.

Iron Fist:"What do you mean?"

Luke stayed silent for a few seconds, he then looked down and clenched his fist while speaking.

Luke:"I'm not the only one Burstein experimented on, I'm the only one that made it."

Iron Fist nodded and turned to the factory before speaking with a soft voice.

Iron Fist:"You think all of this is payback?"

Luke turned at his partner and nodded before speaking.

Luke:"I do... But payback or not, we have to stop them."

Iron Fist nodded and walked towards the factory, Luke following him right after. As they approached the door, Luke crouched to left and Iron Fist went to right. They stayed silent, trying to listen the voices inside, it was silent, making Iron Fist look at Luke who nodded. They slowly pushed the door open and saw Noah Burstein. He was tied by his hands, metal chains around them. Noah then shook his head and shouted.

Noah:"Don't! It's a trap!"

Before they could say anything else, someone shot a bullet towards Luke, not scared of the bullet, Luke stood still. But unlike any other bullet, this one drilled a hole on Luke's stomach and exploded inside him, leaving the outer shell of the said bullet in Luke's body. Luke shouted in pain and fell to the ground, shocking his partner.

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